Israel: Refused Transport on Shabbos, was Tasered & Now Suing

taserThe story begins with a neighbor summoning police to a Petach Tikvah home on a Friday night, a chareidi home, after hearing too much shouting from their apartment. Police arrived and instructed the husband to accompany them back to the station. The husband, a chareidi man, explained to police that since there was no pikuach nefesh involved he cannot ride in a car. He did however agree to walk to the station to comply with their instructions, adding the station is about a five-minute walk from his home.

Attorney Omer Bahar explains that when his client refused to enter a police car on Shabbos, the policeman decided to use his taser against him. YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that despite growing complaints from citizens of taser abuse, Israel Police has relaxed restrictions governing taser use.

The victim was tasered a number of times, even after being restrained, in front of his wife and their children. Bahar explains his client now has nightmares and sleep disturbances and is suing for damages. Bahar documents that since the incident, his client has been treated in the Geha Psychiatric Facility and was given medication to assist his condition. Doctors have classified him as 50% disabled due to the ordeal. A Bituach Leumi medical compensation board concurred, granting him 50% disability status.

Bahar adds that while his client was once a working man supporting his family, the police have turned him into an invalid. He has filed a lawsuit in the Tel Aviv District Court against the state for damages not less than 2.5 million NIS.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This person (the one who was tased) is in the right 1000 percent to sue the pants off the policemen! They ruined his life all because he didnt want to be michalel shabbos!

  2. Here is the other side of the story …

    the policeman was a zionist and if he could bite the yorei hashem lke a chamor he would of.

  3. He screams at his wife loud and harsh enough for his neighbors to call the police, but he’s “too frum” to be mechalel shabbos. Someone didn’t get a good Torah education.
    And I can bet that a man who loses his temper like that didn’t cooperate with the police.

  4. the happy olah D”L’s are always farehnfering for the reshayim tziyonim. Always twist a story or a chazal if theres even a miniscule way of doing so. The guys a tzioni rasha that wanted to bedavka make the guy be mechallel shabbos. that was his agenda and thats what most ppl take from this story.

  5. Mr Johnson, while you may be correct, “that’s what most people take from this story.” It does NOT make them correct. Happy Olah is not jumping to conclusions. How often are the cops called for domestic abuse/violence issues? My guess is not too often.
    To conspire a theory that the “evil zionist” neighbors called the even worse “Zionist” police because the zemiros were a little lively – on a Friday night, JUST so the evil zionists could force the innocent chariedim to be mechalel Shabbos…. Is just a bit much, don’t you agree?

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