Nachal Chareidi: We are a Part of the Battle


As the Million Many Atzeres was taking place in Yerushalayim, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz was meeting with soldiers of Nachal Chareidi, telling them that during WWII the enemies of the Jewish People did not differentiate between different kinds of Jews.

Some soldiers of Nachal Chareidi want to be certain the tzibur understands where they stand, using the social media network to post messages that Netzach Yehuda soldiers stand firmly behind the chareidi battle. “We soldiers of Nachal Chareidi side with the chareidi tzibur in its struggle” read Facebook messages.

They add “It is not because we are for or against sharing the burden, but because of the hate. Because with the backing and encouragement of the media, there is an entire sector that can legitimately despised, to hound and to defame from every forum and they are our brothers, our flesh and blood”.

“We are fighting for our right as a nation to live in peace among each other, between one sector and another. We are fighting against elements who are taking advantage of the arguments between us to divide and conquer. We are fighting for tolerance and understanding between individuals, for recognition that we may only continue living on this land united.”

“There will always be differences of opinion and machlokes and the wisdom is to solve them by uniting and not by separating and destroying”.

One of the rabbonim of the Nachal Chareidi non-profit organization, Rabbi Yitzchak Bar-Chaim is quoted adding “Davka because we proved that with dialogue we can bring chareidi soldiers to serve in the IDF, the other actions are doubly painful for chareidi soldiers…”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo: IDF Spokesman)

11 Responses

  1. These soldiers now need to choose between the Torah or the IDF. The Gedolei HaTorah have made it clear. It is either or. This is shmad. And we must refuse the IDF with our lives if necessary.

  2. #1:
    These soldiers entered the IDF at a time when gedolei Yisrael had never issued a sweeping statement that no one should serve.
    Even now, there has not been a call for those chareidim already in the army to do anything drastic like go AWOL.

  3. #2:
    The Gedolim said to refuse to enter the IDF even if drafted and certainly not to volunteer. These soldiers can set an example by leaving the IDF.

  4. I am proud of those boys. They are trying to do the right thing in a difficult time.

    The Big One:
    Respectfully, the “Gedolei HaTorah” you speak of do not have a monopoly on Torah. There are many devout, sincere Jews in Israel and elsewhere who hold by other rabbis entirely.

    You’ve picked your rabbis and you’re holding by their opinion, as is proper. But you should recognize that other Jews have picked other rabbis and don’t hold the same. Ultimately, a compromise must be reached.

  5. #4: Gedolei Rabbonim across the spectrum — Litvish, Sefardish and Chasidish — have all come out against the IDF.

  6. #5: I guess when the enemy tanks start rolling into Israel the front line will be bais medrash bochurim with their shtenders.

  7. When speaking of psak, there are the headliners and the private, personal, individual psak.

    BIG ONE, go and ask a personal psak and then continue posting, until then those with sechel will ask for advise from their rabbonim.

  8. mythoughts:
    I guess you don’t realize that the reason enemy tanks have NOT rolled in is due to the learning there. But you’d prefer they play soldier instead when even the army admits they don’t need them.

  9. #7: I did and was told by the Rov exactly what I posted. The posek further paskened that I should spread far and wide this message to all of Klal Yisroel.

  10. Probably a small percentage of the bochurim should actually get excused from the draft. The rest use the system so they don’t have to fight and possibly die for the country. There blood is no holier than anybody elses.

  11. mythoughts,

    the mishneh in soteh actually addresses your post

    it states “a groom that just got married…. and anyone thats afraid to fight should go back from war, because the beginning falling is running away” meaning if people are to afraid to fight they shouldnt be in the army because it lowers morale

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