Litzman Comments on the Chareidi Draft Effort

litzSpeaking with Razi Barkai of Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Monday morning, 1 Adar II 5774, MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman spoke of the Kiddush Hashem that result from the Million Man Atzeres.

Litzman admitted that he cannot say what will be next, but stated the joint Moetzos Gedolei Yisrael of Shas, Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael will be meeting in the next 2-3 weeks.

Regarding the work of the Shaked Committee, particularly Science Minister Yaakov Peri, who told Barkai earlier the chareidim will be compelled to serve at day’s end, Litzman stated Peri does not understand that the law that he is pushing to pass destroyed the spirit of the growing number who were in national service, the IDF, and the growing number opting to serve after completing limudim. “Today it will not happen and even those willing to go will not as they understand the rabbonim have prohibited serving in the IDF.”


You and I both know criminal sanctions are not because one is studying Torah, but because one refuses to comply with the draft.


You and I know no one is going to be inducted and that is the message of the atzeres. Don’t tell me that we did not warn you. No one is going to the army. I never before participated in such an event where the message was loud and clear and no one is being drafted.

It is absurd. Let’s say someone wants to enter the army, he must enter the IDF for 36 months. Hesder however serves for 17 months. Can you explain this to me?


What are you proud of, that your tzibur does not serve in the army? This is something to be proud of?


It is a pride of a commitment to Torah as the supreme value. One cannot do both. One who finishes learning should do as he sees fit but for as long as you are learning you cannot serve in the IDF too and reach the same level.


So are you saying Hesder is a farce? They don’t learn?


What are you talking about? A talmid wishes to learn and you think you and others are going to tell him to shut the Gemara? You obviously are not acquainted with this tzibur. This is what Satmar does and no one has been successful to compel them to serve. It is not going to happen. It is that simple.

By the way my gripe is not with Lapid but with Bennett and Netanyahu. Elections will be sooner rather than later. The average middle class, the working man, will not vote for Lapid again. He has had his moment and I for one do not have complaints against him for he is not qualified, does not understand finance, so what can one expect of him?? He never learned core subjects!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. 1. The bottom line is whether he (and his parties) are willing to give up the benefits of being part of the zionist state in order to maximize the freedom to be “frum” – even if that involves boycotting the state and supporting a non-zionist alternative.

    2. After years of focusing on getting money from the zionists, its a shock to see him standing up for principles. He should have know that begging non-frum people would only backfire. I suspect that the many politicians who are also Bnei Torah are pleaced to finally being able to focus on Torah and Mitsvos rather than schnorring from tghose who in many way are quite repulsive to us.

  2. One who finishes learning should do as he sees fit……

    In other ways, there are no rules or regulations in the legal sense. Do as he sees fit, whatever he wants to…while others will contribute to security!!

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