American Gedolim Issue Call for Atzeres Tefilla on Sunday

resized_KKW_8855At the request of Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel, a broad and comprehensive spectrum of American manhigei hador have requested that Jews join in a large Atzeres Tefillah to take place on Water Street in lower Manhattan this Sunday, 7 Adar Sheni (March 9) beginning at 2:00 p.m.

The gathering will echo this past Sunday’s huge atzeres tefilla in Yerushalyim, which brought out hundreds of thousands of Jews in response to the Israeli government’s ongoing attempt at social engineering of the charedi community, including wholesale conscription of bnei yeshiva.

The New York asifa, which will include a separate area for women who wish to participate, will begin with Mincha and consist of the recital of Tehillim b’tzibur.

Buses are expected to bring participants to the Atzeres from communities and institutions outside the immediate New York area, but New York residents are being urged to take public transportation to the site, which is well serviced by the subway system, and to not attempt to drive into Manhattan for the gathering.

Further details will be forthcoming.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem. I’m sure the response from Klal Yisroel to the call from the Gedolei Rabbonim will be massive. We will beseech the RBS”O to overturn the Gezeiras Shmad.

  2. If this is simply meant to be an Atzeres Tefillah, why is being held in Manhattan where the concentration of frum yidden is so much lower than in many other areas? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have venues in Brooklyn, Monsey and/or Lakewood?

  3. Let’s do it in Brooklyn
    Anyone want to join me? We can do it in floyd bennet field which can accomodate thousands No need to shlep to the city.the Eretz Yisroel one was not in Tel Aviv ours need not be in NYC.

  4. For Brooklynites living in the frum neighborhoods, Manhattan is as easy to reach as is anywhere in Brooklyn that can accommodate such an extremely large crowd. In fact, Manhattan is even easier to reach for many.

  5. Either the Big One doesn’t live in Brooklyn, or you don’t work in Manhattan. My commute takes over an hour each way on a GOOD day. Then there are train issues at least twice a week meaning it takes more than an hour and a half each way. Sundays are far worse…

  6. Can anyone tell which broad spectrum of Gedolim are calling for this Asifa?

    Until now I have not heard of even one.

    The proof is that this article, like all that are reporting on this, don’t mention a single name.

    It’s just that since this goes according to Rav Shteinman, this site will do anything to promote it, and right broad spectrum of Rabbanim, when they can’t name even one.

    Moderators Note: A Letter from leading Gedolim in the United States is expected to be released in the next day. According to our sources, every major Rosh Yeshiva is expected to endorse this.

  7. 3.

    Lets use sechel for a moment, shall we? They need an area where IYH lots of people could gather and since its a sunday, downtown manhatten is empty. It makes perfect sense.

    There was a yom tfila there many years ago, also on a sunday, and it was the perfect location.

  8. My commute from Bklyn to Manhattan takes 40 or 45 minutes. A subway ride to somewhere in Bklyn that can accomodate an extremely large crowd will not be much less timewise, if there is even a place that can accomodate over 100,000 Jews/

  9. Moderator, According to your sources – is this such a secret that your sources require anonymity? Regardless, it seems that the story will come tomorrow, when the signed letter will arrive.

  10. Are Litvish Rushei Yeshivos considered a “broad” spectrum?

    I’m not against it, but I love how it’s reported here.

  11. 1) Besides the numerous buses from every borough which service lower Manhattan, I believe the A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 trains go their.

    2) Anyone coming with mass transit from outside the five boroughs will have to come through “the city” and THEN take the very same buses and trains to the other locations mentioned.

    3) The other locations mentioned cannot handle the cars that would be need since they are not all as well serviced by mass transit.

    4) Manhattan is seen as the capital of the world. A gathering in Monsey or Brooklyn would not have the impact.

  12. #11: It includes both Litvish AND Chasidish and Yekkish and Sefardish Rabbonim.

    That’s literally as broad as possible.

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