Lower Medicaid Signups Seen in Health Law Study

healIt’s one of the most impressive statistics about the new health care law. The Obama administration says more than 8.9 million people have been, quote “determined eligible” for Medicaid from Oct. 1 through the end of January.

But a new study Monday from Avalere Health estimates the actual number of new sign-ups could be much lower, between 2.4 million and 3.5 million.

The administration’s statistic also includes many people renewing existing coverage.

Medicaid is a safety-net health program for low-income people. About half the states have accepted an expansion in the health law.

Avalere’s estimate includes people eligible for the expanded program, as well as some who were already eligible but had not previously enrolled. Enrollment picked up in January.


One Response

  1. People eligible for medicaid are generally not subject to penalties for failure to have health insurance, and there is no incentive to sign up for medicaid until you need it.Thus the numbers discussed in the article are meaningless.

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