Another Photo Essay: Million Man Atzeres [Photos By Moshe Wulliger]

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9 Responses

  1. Right before making the Brocha (which is said when you have 600,000 yidden together), the speaker said on the loudspeaker that there were 1 million people – as per the estimate of the police.

  2. I love the signs that say something about the government persecuting and trampling observant Jews, or some such narishkeit.

    I’m observant. I don’t feel trampled or persecuted.

  3. It was nice to see yidden together by the hundreds of thousand. We will beat our enemies with achdus. Beautiful pictures. Our true future in eretz yisroel.

  4. For whose consumption were the many English language signs? I hope it wasn’t to make a chilul haShem on two continents.

  5. #3 & #7 – Yes An observant Yid in E Israel is trampled by way that he can’t get a job, learn a trade or a profession , only if he gives up some of his Yiddishkeit by having and being forced to go to the army. Yes thats called being persecuted.

  6. #8 Abrisker – This is not entirely true. The main thing that holds back those who want to work is education – going to college / trade school would put a chareidi / yeshiva bochur in an environment almost as bad as the army.

    This is why my uncle Z”L established the Mercaz Chareidi Institute of Technology (see: Based on the then-unheard-of (in Israel) concept of night school, and with the haskama of the Gedolim, it allowed kollel yungerleit to attend school at night – and was later expanded to allow wives to attend women-only classes during the day. Today there are thousands of graduates who are working in IT, architecture, engineering and more, and creating a true kiddush Hashem by their skills, yashrus, and work-ethic.

    There is also a segment of chareidi society that feels that it is somehow “assur” to work; my Rav told me that there are yeshivos that won’t take someone if their father works and people who won’t make a shidduch if a father works. But that’s another story.

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