After Stormy Debate: “Chometz Law” Passes In Preliminary Vote In Knesset [SEE THE WILD VIDEO]

Likud MK Dudi Amsalem berates the members of the opposition for "trampling on every Jewish principle." (Screenshot/Knesset channel)

The “Chometz Law” – a bill prohibiting the entry of chometz into hospital on Pesach, passed in its first reading in the Knesset on Wednesday.

The bill, which was proposed by UTJ MKs Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher and passed with a vote of 60-49, aims to restore the religious status quo prior to 2018, when the Supreme Court ruled that hospitals are prohibited from banning the entry of chometz into hospitals.

The debate prior to the vote was carried out at high volumes and members of the opposition screamed out “Busha” even during the vote.

Likud MK Dudi Amsalem spoke from the Knesset plenum and slammed the members of the opposition: “I’m embarrassed that this vote was brought to the Israeli Knesset. Until now, I thought we were a Jewish state but there are people here who undermine every Jewish principle.”

“You can scream – as long as Am Yisrael isn’t connected to mesorah, it’s only a matter of time until the state ceases to exist,” Amsalem warned. “You’re a bushah to Am Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Likud MK Dudi Amsalem is a loving Jew & so correct in what he said, as is this צדקת Edith Silman who flipped the 1st Domino in bennett’s downfall last year, on this very issue.

  2. Hope the irony isn’t lost here.
    Theres a shouting match between religious and non religious Zionists how Jewish the “Jewish Medinah” is or isn’t. Had it not been so comical, you cld just cry over the state of “affairs” in the Kenesset.
    To watch an ultra orthodox Jew with a beard and payos and in his rear view theres Zionists flags, is vomitable.
    Who in their right mind can KOSHERIZE it? To actually see Mk Eichler as a part of this kangaroo atheist govt is a tragicomedy to put it mildly.
    Yes chometz, no chometz. The Medinah is one solid pc of CHOMETZ.
    Despicable YET Heartbreaking.

  3. Kol Hakawod le Dui. How right he is.And it shows again,what jewish state Israel is.Even the muslims are keeping Ramadan. and this leftist chilonim hav no decency rather to shout like animals.Rather to live in chutz laaretz then with such animals.

  4. Instead of arguing whom is more Jewish or less Jewish, let’s look at the shuchan aruch whom already answered this question how to act 400 years ago.

    אורח חיים סימן ת’מ סיף גם
    Siman 440

    עכו”ם שנכנס לבית ישראל וחמצו בידו אינו זקוק להוציאו אע”פ שהישראל רואה חמץ של עכו”ם אין בכך כלום אבל אסור להעלותו עמו על השלחן ואפי’ בהפסק מפה.

    “If a non Jewish enters the house of a Jewish on pesach and the non jew has chometz in his hand, it is unnecessary for the jew to eject him. Although in such a case the jew sees the chalets of the non jew this does not matter st all.
    However it is forbidden for the non jew to place his chometz on the table together with the jew even with the interruption of a cloth”

    This is the halacha as brought in the shulchan aruch and undisputed by the ra’ma.
    Let’s argue for real halacha instead of dividing when not neccesary

  5. Correct for spelling and auto edit

    **If a non Jew enters the house of a Jew on pesach and the non jew has chometz in his hand, it is unnecessary for the jew to eject him. Although in such a case the jew sees the chametz of the non jew this does not matter at all.
    However it is forbidden for the non jew to place his chometz on the table together with the jew even with the interruption of a cloth”

    This is the halacha as brought in the shulchan aruch and undisputed by the ra’ma.
    Let’s argue for real halacha instead of dividing when not neccesary

  6. “To watch an ultra orthodox Jew with a beard and payos and in his rear view theres Zionists flags, is vomitable.”

    Actually it isn’t, it’s a great Kiddush Hashem. we’ve come a long way from having only secular leftist shmutzniks representing the jews to the world with the degel yisroel behind them.

    the flag itself is literally like the frumest looking flag you can make it. the communist zionists could have chosen any other flag design like a random european tricolor pattern but instead they chose a great looking flag. a Blue tallis representing morality and yiddishkeit to the world.

    Miriam, I thank God every day for not making me a brainwashed Neturei Kartanik like yourself

  7. “as long as Am Yisrael isn’t connected to mesorah, it’s only a matter of time until the state ceases to exist”

    very true and well said.

  8. Baby Squirrel:
    No. She is 100% right. It is indeed a tragedy.
    The Zionist State is Zionist, not Jewish.

    Zionism is all about redefining Judaism and its people from a G-d and Torah-based faith to a godless gentile-wannabe idolatrous nationalist nation. That is what the Zionist State promotes, including in its parliament.

    So, yes, she is 1,000% right, that it is beyond pathetic that Zionists are arguing with each other what it means to be Jewish when, in the words of the midrash, hallalu ovdei A”Z vaHallalu ovdei A”Z.

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