MK Chetboun Calls on Yated to Apologize to Rav Druckman

druckmanMK (Bayit Yehudi) Yoni Chetboun calls on Yated Neeman to apologize to HaRav Chaim Druckman for insulting him in the newspaper again, in the Sunday morning 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar II edition, just hours ahead of the atzeres. Many dati leumi rabbonim planning to attend the atzeres canceled after seeing the Yated.

Chetboun explains the atzeres was intended to give kovod to the Torah and Yated did just the opposite.

Rav Druckman, who is referred to as “Druckman” in the newspaper, without any title, came under attack for his statements to Channel 2 News on motzei Shabbos, calling on the dati leumi tzibur not to participate in the event.

Chetboun tells the media that he worked tirelessly alongside Rav Druckman to prevent the forced draft of chareidim, to avoid a split in the nation, which is contrary to the actions of Yated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. oh! that’s why drukman said it was a chillul hashem; becaue they called him drukman instead of “Rabbi Drukman” on the other hand; yaated is a very political newspaper that has lost most of its credibility over the last few years. So who cares what they write?

  2. i understand the yated called him “Druckman” but are you sure its not “Drunkman” שיכור ולא מיין

  3. The modern orthodox and these dati lumi types are messed up. Here they got thrown out like stray dogs from their homes in gush katif and they still remain brainwashed like the jews in nazi germany who felt more german than jewish. Wake up and stop living in denial. They hate your religious practices.

  4. I am frigthtened for the din & cheshbon of the Yated Editors in shamayim. They are the mastermind of arguments & dissent.

  5. They should know that such usage is only appropriate by that bastion of liberalism, the NYT, and other media that follow its lead.

    I smell a bit of hypocrisy here.

  6. Lets be honest here any bochur in Brisk, Mir etc. would learn “Drunkman” under the table.

    “Chetboun tells the media that he worked tirelessly alongside Rav Druckman to prevent the forced draft of chareidim, to avoid a split in the nation, which is contrary to the actions of Yated.”

    This uber chachum Chetboun says him and Druckman worked so hard to stop a split in the nation and the Yated are therefore wrong for having a go at Drukman.

    YOU CLOWN!!! Drukman said the dati leumi “community” should not attend the atzeret, in other words “SPLITITNG THE NATION!!” Stirah Minay U’bay!!

  7. The posters who are continuing to be “mevazeh talmidei chachomim” are losing their chelek in olam haboh. “Torah chogeres sak’ for the insults thrown at Rav Drukman, Rav Elijahu and others. This is way beyond the pale. And- ezranik- you have no clue whom yo uare talking about- Rav Drukman is a godol batorah and so are all the dati-leumi gedolim. You are just an am ho-oretz.

  8. Rabbi Druckman is responsible for leadership of the Dati leumi Yeahivos. The articles in Yated and Hamodia were misplaced and inappropriate. What did it accomplish? There were a number of large Hesder Yeshivos that were planning on attending and cancelled because of the attack on rabbi druckman. Big mistake. The message to all of Israel when all of the large yeshivos hesder attend is sharpened. It’s about Torah, dont think so ask the soldiers from Hesder.
    But why attack the Rabbi. It’s a case of ba mais braglav. His own words were the greatest insult to his kavod.

  9. So YWN deletes my post because it was giving you musser for publishing posts that were m’vazeh talmedei chachomim.Be proud.

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