Eichler: PM Netanyahu is a Coward

bibnMK Rav Yisrael Eichler told Channel 2 TV News that “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is a coward. He did not even remain here to face us today, preferring to run away to the United States.”

Eichler questioned how a state that espouses to be democratic continues to seek to compel yeshivos to change their curriculum to an education system that is not in line with its beliefs.

Eichler made comparisons to Soviet Russia, and rejects accusation that chareidim do not contribute financially to the state, explaining many work and pay tax as do members of other sectors of the nation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The Israelis use “democratic” as a codeword for “secular”.

    If Eretz Yisrael was a democracy, the parliament would be at least 40% Arab, and there would most definitely be no movement to draft yeshiva students or to pass laws designed to undermine a Torah lifestyle (the Arabs really don’t mind frum Jews being frum, they do mind any non-Muslims running the governemnt).

    Given the choice between being Israeli but not 100% frum, or Palestinian hareidim, frum Jews will prefer Torah over being zionism.

  2. PM Netanyahu is traveling to the US to address AIPAC’s annual meeting — the most important gathering of Israel’s supporters in the US, scheduled a very long time ago. Shame on MK Eichler for this slander against the Prime Minister.

  3. If the Zionists would allow the chareidim, who anyways do contribute to the State, to work without compromising their faith by forcibly conscripting them in the IDF, then many more chareidim would work and pay taxes, etc.

    Again, the goal of Zionism was and is shmad, and this is the reason for the “sharing the burden” smoke and mirrors game.

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