For Vishnitz, History is Repeating Itself

vishAs hundreds of thousands gather in Yerushalayim on Sunday, 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar II 5774 to be mispallel to HKBH, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be in his official visit in the United States.

Back in תשי”א when the chareidi tzibur faced the gezeira of drafting women into the IDF, thousands protested outside the office of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

In the sefer מכתבי קודש אמרי חיים of the Imrei Chaim of Vishnitz ZT”L ZY”A, a letter sent from the Imrei Chaim to his son, HaRav HaTzaddik Rebi Mordechai, The Vishnitzer Rebbe Monsey Shlita, addressing the gezeira and he called for a protest against Prime Minister Ben-Gurion in the USA.

In the Yiddish letter the Imrei Chaim writes the prime minister visits America from time-to-time and they should protest against him during the visit. The letter is signed

“אביך הכותב בדמע ובמרירות נורא, המצפה להשי”ת שהוא יצילנו במהרה”.

Actual pages from Imrei Emmes:

1 2


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Please check your facts before writing an article. The Imrei Emes was the son of the Sfas Emes, and as such was a Gerrer Rebbe. The Imrei Chaim was the father of R. Mordechai shlita and l”hbcl R. Moshe Yehoshua zatzal. As you can see from the pages that you printed yourself, he was referred to as the “Imrei Chaim” of Vizhnitz.

  2. Galusyid. We call this a typo. The whole article points to imrei chaim (viznitz) which was very obviously mistakenly swapped with imrei emmes (gur). I wouldn’t be surprised if it were their spellchecker.

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