Rav Aviner: I Will Daven that Chareidim are Inducted into the IDF

avinerHaGaon HaRav Shlomo HaKohen Aviner Shlita, a leading dati leumi posek, announced last week that he plans to attend the Million Man Atzeres. In his message last week, the rav recommended to his tzibur to join the tefilla event too.

On Sunday morning, Rosh Chodesh Adar II 5774, Rav Aviner stated that he does plan to attend as stated before Shabbos, adding “I will daven that the chareidim are inducted into the IDF. No one will know what is coming out of my mouth”, the rav added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. just another example of the the shear hatred that seems to be going around. We are all looking to HKBH for his help for his kindness and for him to lift the terrible gezeiras that have befallen all of klal yisrael and instead of standing as one we have such people as the above mentioned who find it in their soiled hearts to destroy. I pray that as with billam, Rav Aviner will find he is but a vessel for G-ds will.

  2. I have had a son and son in law who are charadi go into the army and come out of the army just as charadi as they were before they went in. They both are totally observant and remained so.

    the charadi chinuch needs re-examination as to why it can not prepare a boy for entering into the world.

    on the other hand, the army would have to change to accommodate such a large influx. I believe that this will have an overall good impact on a society that is in danger of become prey to the American form of hedonism.

    Looking beyond that, after these people begin to take their place in the work force, the secular society will have to begin to change to accept them.

    I see this as only good for the country.

  3. I too think it’s a great thing for the chareidim to choose to go to the army. However, I am against coercion. What happens when they decide women need to go to the army? And what happens when ghey decide collectively to implement a law that will change your way of life. Then what? Finally when you have demonstration that includes Eida Hachareidis and Mercaz HarAv attending, you really need to evaluate what it is that unites them, and if you oppose them, what is it that you are choosing.

  4. And ywn gives him the honorary title of Hagaon Harav?? Something is missing here in the hashkofo of this(yeshiva) world news

  5. I feel bad for the talmidim of Harav Kook who are very loyal to the Torah, and at the same time loyal to the state. They are very confused individuals, and this is a good example of that – …..

  6. Garlic,

    You are proving that garlic smells. Im very happy that you know only two. I know far more that ARE NOT AS SHOMER TORAH UMITZVOS as when they went in. Even hesder claims they lose TWENTY PERCENT in the IDF.

    So based on knowing that at least 1/5 IDFers become non frum, is it worth shoving more frum people into the military? THE ANSWER IS NO!

  7. Garlic: and I know two people who smoked and didn’t suffer health problems. And two people who didn’t wear seatbelts and weren’t injured in auto accidents.

    Would you recommend someone go to college and live in a coed dorm? Of course not. So how is that different from the IDF?

  8. Please – a little Derech Eretz for an acknowledged Talmid Chacham is warranted. YWN deserves credit for relating to Rav Aviner, Shlita, with appropriate Derech Eretz, but some of the posters here need to learn a bit about what the Gemara says abotu one who is Mevazeh a Talmid Chacham.

    You may disagree with Rav Aviner and hold that he’s not on the level of Rav Shteinman, but Rav Aviner is not a lightweight in Torah and Halacha. He has a basis for his Piskei Halacha, and anyone who disagrees should do so with respect.

    an Israeli Yid

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