The Modzitzer Rebbe on Parshas B’Shalach

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the S’fas Tamim Foundation

This week’s parsha discusses that apogee of Hashem’s Divine Providence to Klal Yisroel – the exodus from Mitzrayim. In regard to the actual sending out of the nation of Israel from Mitzrayim, the Yalkut Shimoni (Tehillim 819) cites Rabbi Pinchas in the name of Rabbi Hoshiyah:  Hashem took hold of the legs of Yaakov Avinu and placed them on the ocean.  He said to him:  Witness the miracles that I am performing for your descendants, as the verse states, “B’tzais Yisroel miMitzrayim..milifnei elokah Yaakov..”

There are three questions we may ask on this slightly perplexing Midrash.  Why, in general, did Hashem do this?  Why was Yaakov Avinu specifically singled out -over and above the other patriarchs?  And why does the Midrash refer specifically to Yaakov Avinu’s legs?

Yaakov, of course, is associated with the Midah of Emes – truth.  Rav Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub, (1886-1947 – 16th of Kislev) zatzal, better known as the Modzitzer Rebbe, an extraordinary Torah scholar and master composer of Chassidic melodies, whose music had soothed an entire generation of Holocaust survivors and more,  explains (see Yisa Bracha Vayikra p. 106) that Klal Yisroel was redeemed in the merit of their ability to see and implement the trait of Emes – truth, as we say each and every day in our davening, “Emes miMitzrayim g’altanu – Truly [or truth] from Mitzrayim You have redeemed us..”

Why did Hashem take Yaakov Avinu specifically?  So that the nation of Israel would know that the ge’ulah was on account of this trait, Yaakov Avinu’s signature trait – acting in the manner of every day emes..  Why are Yaakov Avinu’s legs specifically singled out?  It was in order to allude to the fact that Sheker – ain lo raglayim – falsehood has no legs to stand, it will eventually crumble like a house of cards.  It is only truth – that truly stands.

With this understanding the Modzitzer Rebbe interpreted the words of the Hagaddah, “in each and every generation a person is obligated to see himself as if he himself was redeemed from Mitzrayim” – in the following manner:  This means that each one of us is obligated to look and see himself as he is, with all of his own character flaws as they did in Mitzrayim – that they know themselves the negative aspects of their own self-worth.  This is also part of the Middah of Emes.

The Modzitzer Rebbe further points out that there is a song called “Yom LaYabasha” that is sung on two occasions – once on shvi’I shel pesach the day that we walked through the waters, and also during every Bris Milah.  The song has a fascinating stanza:  “Hitbata v’sarmis raglei vas anamis – You drowned in illusion the feet of the daughter of Mitzrayim, while with bells of Shulamis – the nation of Israel – you have beautified their sandals.”  In other words, explains the Modzitzer Rebbe, “it is not just their legs in which the concept of truth exists – but even in their very dress (i.e. their sandals or shoes), truth permeates within them.”

Why not subscribe to a weekly parsha sheet written by Rabbi Yair Hoffman – devoted to the midah of Emes – truth?  Each week there are 4 columns devoted to Everyday Emes:  The first is on the weekly parsha, the second is a column to inspire us in the middah of truth, the third is halachos of emes, and the fourth is a translation of one of the classical texts on Emes.  Just send an email to [email protected]

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