Kollel Orchos Chaim of Staten Island marks Growth of Kollel and Eltingville Community

pictures of yeshiva for website6Eltingville, Staten Island is a unique community. It is not remarkable for its topography, beauty or splendor, or for its size or affluence. What makes Eltingville stand out is its vibrant Torah community. The highly contagious ruachtransmitted by the many young Kollel families and Bnei Torah of the highest caliber makes a significant positive impact on the residents of Eltingville, the greater Staten Island, and on the entire tri state area. Despite the small size of the community, Eltingville proudly boasts four impressive mosdos haTorah: two Kollelim, a renowned Yeshiva Gedolah (Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah, led by Rabbi Mordechai Dick, Shlit”a), and the Young Israel of Eltingville. All four function in harmony, creating a noteworthy locality on the Torah map of America.


pictures of yeshiva for website7One of these mosdos haTorah is Kollel Orchos Chaim. The Kollel was founded in 5766 by Rabbi Leib Puretz, shli”ta, and is headed by the esteemed Rabbi Yisroel Salomon, shli”ta. In addition to being Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Salomon serves in capacity of Moreh Horaah for the Eltingville community.


B’ezras Hashem, Kollel Orchos Chaim has recently expanded, with the addition of multiple new families. Imbued by Gedolei Yisroel with an understanding of the importance of keeping this wonderful environment intact, they feel it their duty to ensure its continuity. It is with this intent that they launched their first annual Chinese Auction campaign, “Aspirations”.


As the auction draws to a close, they have renewed their efforts to BEZ”H ensure the campaign’s success. In addition to all the fantastic free gift bonuses awarded to donors of minimal donations such as the new & popular “Balabuste’s Choice #2” cookbook, the all new “Modim” album by Boruch Levine, and the latest bestseller “A Divine Madness” by Rabbi Avigdor Miller, amongst many other delightful giveaways, they are ending the Auction with a grand finale, offering $25 gift cards to either Eichler’s, Costco, or Amazon.com, for all participants selecting the $100 ticket package & up. (Upgrades on previous orders welcome.) All are encouraged to participate & help their efforts in enabling their prestigious members to continue their vital work of harbotzas haTorah and Kiddush Hashem.


The last opportunity to join the campaign and to make a difference is this Motzei Shabbos (Parshas Pekudei) – Mar 01, 2014. Participate at www.eltingvilleauction.org, or by calling 718.967.1315/732.344.0920. Actual drawing to be held BL”N on Mon. Mar. 03, 2014.

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