Jerusalem Road Closures for the Million Man Atzeres

mmaNeedless to say there will be many road closures on Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Adar II 5774 to accommodate the Million Man Atzeres in Yerushalayim.

Israel Police traffic officials strongly urge drivers to stay far away beginning at noon Sunday, until the event ends. The atzeres is officially called to end at 18:00, but until the hundreds of thousands leave the area, the capital will be locked up for most of the night.

Highway 1 (Jerusalem – Tel Aviv Highway) will be closed to heavy vehicles in the direction of the capital beginning at 12:30. This does not include public transportation and taxis. Heavy vehicles will be redirected to Highway 443, the Jerusalem-Modi’in Highway.

Beginning at 13:45, private vehicles will be banned from the highway in the direction of the capital beginning from the Ben-Shemen Interchange. Area residents will be redirected to Route 395, via Ramat Raziel and Ein Kerem.

Police call on motorists in advance to be patient and to adhere to the instructions of traffic police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Let’s keep the asifa going all week. This will make an impact. The askunim should supply bottles of water to the crowd. Also people should bring tents.

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