House Bill Blocks IRS Limits on Political Groups

irsRepublicans are pushing a vote in the House to thwart Obama administration efforts to further restrict political activities by tax-exempt groups.

The GOP bill would delay for one year proposed Internal Revenue Service regulations drafted after last year’s disclosures that the IRS had subjected conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they filed for tax-exempt status. Organizations claiming a tea party connection were among those closely screened.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp says the proposed new rules are a blatant attempt “to legalize and institutionalize targeting” conservative groups by the IRS. Camp chairs the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. He said the bill would “put a hold” on the proposed rules until congressional and Treasury Department investigations are completed.


3 Responses

  1. The IRS proposal doesn’t restrict any activity by anyone. But it would require that political groups, if they want to be political, actually register with the IRS as….political groups! Gee, what a concept!!!

  2. So that they can be singled out for discrimination of they’re conservative. If the govt had a history of discriminating against Jewish groups, would you support extra scrutiny of religious organizations?

  3. If your organization goes around saying “don’t pay your taxes, taxes are evil, government is evil” I think you’ve earned some heightened scrutiny.

    Lest we also forget the RESULT of the investigation… there was no discrimination against conservative groups.

    Oh the tears of the billionaires…

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