Israel Police Arrest Neturei Karta Member Who Visited Jenin And Met With Terrorists

Neturei Karta members in Jenin.

Israel Police on Thursday arrested one of the three Neturei Karta members who entered the Palestinian city of Jenin earlier this week, a statement from the police said.

The suspect was arrested for the alleged crimes of entering Area A as well as supporting and identifying with a terrorist organization.

The police are bringing the suspect to court later on Thursday to request an extension of his arrest. Further arrests are expected in the near future.

“The Jerusalem District of Israel Police and security forces fight throughout the year against terrorist operatives of any kind, instigators of terrorism, supporters of terrorists, and anyone who helps them,” Israel Police stated. “This is serious and irresponsible conduct contrary to the law, that whether it stems from extremist ideology or religious extremism or otherwise – will be handled with determination and zero tolerance by the police. The police also emphasize that the entry of Israelis into Area A is prohibited and constitutes a dangerous security offense that could lead to the loss of lives.”

Following the publication of the videos of the visit on social media, a police investigation was opened at the Bet Shemesh police station. The probe was launched for the members’ alleged violation of identification with a terror organization, a crime that carries a lengthy prison sentence.

The three Neturei Karta members met with senior Islamic Jihad officials and visited the home of Bassam al-Saadi, a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist currently detained in Israel, whose arrest led to the three-day Operation Breaking Dawn in August.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

36 Responses

  1. Unless they have evidence that the Chareidim were planing to carry out terrorist attacks against Israelis, the Israeli police should not arrest them. Discussions between Jews and Arabs is what will lead to peace. The Israelis are not at war with hard working Palestinians who often work in Israel (boosting the Israeli economy), whose primary concern is supporting their families. They are at war with the terrorists, and any solution involves convincing the terrorists to make peace.

  2. Why did the Israel Police only arrested ONE of the three Neturei Karta members?
    They should ALL be arrested!

    If the entire membership of the Neturei Karta were thrown in jail, that would greatly benefit for all Jews.
    If that is not possible, then the entire membership of the Neturei Karta should be permanently expelled from Israel, and placed in permanent cherem.

    In Tanach times, there were wicked Jewish kings in Eretz Yisrael who worshipped idols.
    Yet nobody ever said that Jews should sympathize with the enemies of the Jewish people [or even worse, actually help them], even then.

  3. please YWN extend the completeness of this group and their SATMAR affiliation…..I question the torah learning of this group…..evidently, they are removed from the actual Torah.

  4. akuperma,

    Any solution involves convincing the terrorists to make peace? Wow, how kumbaya of you! Since you’re so much more educated and articulate than these NK animals, why don’t you head to Jenin and convince the terrorists to make peace?

    Better buy a one-way ticket. Buh-bye!

  5. I do not like NK at all and I understand going to area a is a crime but unless you’re arresting the telavivians who go there for cheap car mechanics i dont see how you can arrest these mamzerim.

  6. GadolHadofi: Israel has three options to end the war: 1) They can genocide all the Muslims (killing the Palestinians will just make the other Muslims mad – indeed we might have to get rid of all the goyim); 2) Israel can be driven into the sea, which would end the war, only not on terms we desire; 3) We can make peace with those goyim with whom we are fighting, i.e., the Palestinian terrorists.

    Consider World War II when the Allies refused to negotiate with the Germans and insisted on unconditional surrender. The war ended in May 1945 when the Allies had occupied, at gunpoint, virtually every inch of German territory. Had Roosevelt and Churchill been willing to negotiate, there is a reasonable chance the war would have ended almost a year earlier, saving thousands of American and British lives, and perhaps a million or more Jewish lives – but since the Allies weren’t offering any alternative, the Germans were more or less forced to stick with Hitler to the bitter end (bad for them, but worse for Yidden).

  7. Yossi – shutup
    Instigation of Satmer extremist and support of terror is like
    Lapid the Jesuit meeting with Reform and J Street enemies to raise up against Jewish civilians.

    Yossi, you Moronic Jackass call that comparable to Nazi’s.?

  8. akuperma,

    There’s also option four, eliminate the Palestinian terrorists. The “hopeful naivete” of your option three is precisely what led to the thousands of Jewish casualties of the failed Oslo process. The terrorists have proven that they aren’t interested in peace, only dead Jews.

  9. Akuperma
    1 What has this to do with Chareidim?
    2 Please read up a little of the history of WW2 especially the arguments between Churchill and Lord Halifax in 1940. Halifax also wanted to negotiate. Had they done so there would have been (to this day) swastika flags throughout London and maybe even New York Los Angeles etc etc etc. Hitler Yms wanted complete domination of Europe and would have demanded it from FDR too.
    Likewise the PLO don’t want a two state solution they want it all. So what is there to talk about?

  10. Hey Mr yossi shtup.
    “Shtup” up your clogged mind and stop with your stupidity.
    Unless you’re just trying to have some fun…!?
    If so I recommend some basketball or swimming instead of making people angry with your narrow minded comments

  11. Reiven – your use of nivul peh toward those who stand up for Da’as Torah demonstrates just how much the Zionist avodah zara has corrupted your neshoma ר”ל.

    Chain berger – please explain to me what is so “narrow minded” about putting into practice the very opposition to the Zionists שר”י that ALL of the authentic gedolim have advocated?

  12. Blaming Allies for not negotiating peace with Nazis does not seem to be a mainstream idea, maybe Putin is the only one who holds by it.

  13. The medinah tells Yiddin they can’t travel certain places in Yisroel because it’s criminal?.. Hm…. Seems like a shmad. If so, perhaps we’re obligated to defy the medinah then and davka travel to those places…

  14. Yosi

    Which authentic Gedolim have advocated opposing the zionists? While I’m no fan of the zionists and the Medina, I am quite fond of following da’as Torah.

    Since the creation of the state, the Gedolim have advocated voting and working with the government/kenesset (as members of each) to get the best deal we can for b’nei Torah.

    You want some names?
    R’Shach ztz”l
    The Poneviz Rav ztz”l (even flew the flag on yom ha’atzmaut as a sign of hakaros hatov)
    R’Elyashiv ztz”l
    R’ Steinman ztz”l
    R’ Chaim ztz”l

    R’ Gershon shlitah

    And many many others!

  15. @ Yossi Shtup

    Getting mad at people for calling out your drivel and then screaming “daas Torah” is idiotic.
    Your original comment:
    “Do we need anymore proof that the Zionist police are more brutal than the Nazis were during the so-called “Holocaust”??!!”

    Your comment isn’t really about Zionism. It’s making a comparison between Israeli police and the Nazis which is abhorrent besides being ridiculous. The NK are being arrested because they went into Area A which is a security risk as well as supporting groups designated as terrorists by the Israeli government. Tell me, if the a US citizen went to meet and show support for Al Qaeda or ISIS and they would be arrested would you consider the US police Nazis?
    Let’s not forget the implied Holocaust denial within your comment.

    Either you’re a troll or an idiot. To be dan lkaf zechus, I’ll assume the former.

  16. @yossi far’shtup’ed… in what way are they wrong for arresting such idiots who support murderers that killed an uncle of mine?!?
    Its time to step out of your satmer sewer backup happening in your mind,and stop posting comments like a 4 year old kid repeating what his edp teacher taught in class

    ווען משיח וועט קומן… ווייזן מיט די פינגער….
    That’s his “middle” finger on radicals like you

    But keep up your dumb comments we’re all having a blast with you

    And btw משיח will be an sfardi Israeli from a moshav… so u have no hope… I suggest converting to bhudisim _ lost of luck. Meditate, it’s healthy!!

  17. _ywn vote,
    Let’s all vote if yossi shtup should be thrown off ywn comment section
    Let’s hear your opinion pls vote

    P.s. shtup_face your invited to vote

  18. Yossi S: Yasher Koach. Everything you wrote here is Emes. Thank you for being unafraid to state the truth despite the liberals here attacking you.

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