MK Netanyahu: We Must Permit Jewish Tefilla on Har Habayis

hhaA special Knesset session was held in Knesset on Tuesday, 25 Adar I 5774 pertaining to Israeli sovereignty on Har Habayis. The debate was spearheaded by MK Moshe Feiglin, who is tenacious in his efforts to permit Jews to be mispallel on Har Habayis in line with those rabbonim who permit visiting the areas no in the realm of questionable. (See the videos at the end of the article)

Arab lawmakers expressed their disapproval and disgust by boycotting the session, warning the government is playing with fire, a fire that may ignite an international Islamic holy war.

MK (Bayit Yehudi) Shuli Moalem-Refaeli read a letter out loud; a letter dated 5 Adar II 5755. The letter is on Knesset stationary, written by then MK Binyamin Netanyahu to Yehuda Etzion, who back then championed the fight for Jewish rights on Har Habayis under the banner of his “Chai Vekayam” organization.

In that letter MK Netanyahu wrote “When Jews are not permitted to visit and daven freely on Har Habayis, the meaning of this is that the Mount is not in our hands. The Jewish People have the right on the holy site, Har Habayis, and one cannot challenge this [right]. I am of the opinion that an arrangement to permit Jewish tefilos on the Mount, and all the more so as we grant Freedom of Religion to all religions in Yerushalayim”

“Certainly this matter must be addressed with the required sensitivities and I believe we can do this properly after we return to lead the nation.”

Feiglin in Knesset During the Har Habayis Debate:

Feiglin Visiting Har Habayis:

It must be noted that according to the Poskei Hador one is absolutely forbidden to visit the Har Habayis, and there is an Issur Kares for one that goes there.

Five years ago on Sukkos, President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukka of Maran HaGaon Rav Elyashiv ZATZAL, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har Habayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har Habayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This could be an issue through which the hareidim can strike back at the nationalistic tormentors, and start building alliances with those who might help stop conscription. Opposing Jews going to the Har ha-Bayis is not good halacha, but good politics (in the new world that is emerging now that the religious zionists have stabbed the Bnei Torah in the back)

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