WATCH: Neturei Karta Members Enter Jenin, Meet Senior Islamic Jihad Terrorist

Palestinian social media

A Neturei Karta delegation entered the highly volatile town of Jenin on Monday morning, Kan News reported.

Videos and photos on social media show Neturei Karta members draped in PLO flags in the Palestinian town, a hotbed of terrorism.

According to the report, Palestinian sources reported that the Neturei Karta members met with senior Islamic Jihad terrorist Maher al-Akhras who praised the men for their fervent opposition to Zionists and Zionism.

IDF officials who saw the videos were quick to clarify that the Neturei Karta members violated Israeli law, which prohibits Israeli citizens from entering Area A, and emphasized that the lawbreakers will face the fullest extent of the law.

Another report said that the Neturei Karta members came to visit the family of Bassam al-Saadi, a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist who has been detained in Israel since August.

Al-Saadi’s arrest led to great tension between Israel and Gaza after the Islamic Jihad terror group threatened retaliatory attacks against Israel, spurring a three-day military operation by the IDF against Gaza, dubbed Operation Breaking Dawn.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

59 Responses

  1. Regardless of how one feels about the State of Israel, it is beyond evil to show support for terrorists who are actively trying to kill your fellow Jews. Shame on them.

  2. These NK terrorists should be banned from entering Israel for life. They should be deported to Gaza with their families, and no one in this group should ever receivce any form of support from the Israeli government.

  3. These filthy miscreants need their Israeli passports &/or visas immediately canceled, and never allowed to reenter Israel 🇮🇱 , but be forced to spend the the rest of their miserable lives in Jenin

  4. KOL HAKAVOD TO NETUREI KARTA!! Contrary to the self-righteous commenters on YWN who have been contaminated by Zionist apikorsus ר”ל, the NK are the true bearers of the mesorah! And the only true terrorists are the Zionist reshaim who are being מתגרה באומות and are turning Eretz Yisroel into the most dangerous place for Jews in the world ה’ ישמור!! Just read the works of Rav Avigdor Miller זצ”ל.

    Just FYI, I spoke to several choshuve chareidi askonim, including my former rebbe in Midrash Shmuel, and they all concurred that the Neturei Karta are simply doing the “dirty work” of the Gedolei HaDor שליט”א. So don’t shoot the messenger – remove the Zionist kefira from your neshomo, and with the start of שובבי”ם, DO TESHUVA NOW!!!

  5. They are meeting with someone who would be perfectly happy to kill them once the cameras are away.
    These Neturai Karta people are happy to be pally with a Soneh Yisroel, how could this be?
    However much you disagree with the Tziyonim, it’ll be them who’d bail these “chassidim” out of trouble in the West Bank.
    אמר ר’ שמעון בן יוחאי הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב,
    Shocking behaviour.

  6. In Tanach times, there were wicked Jewish kings in Eretz Yisrael who worshipped idols.
    Yet nobody ever said that Jews should join with the enemies of the Jewish people, even then.

    The Neturei Karta will never have a place in Gan Eden forever: no matter how careful they are with kashruth, no matter how much kavanah they have with tefilah, no matter how correct their observance of Yomim Tovim, no matter how diligent they are to avoid wearing shaatnez, their destiny is Gehinom, along with all the other traitors who joined the side of our enemies who want to kill us and kill our children.

    The Neturei Karta have joined the side of our enemies who want to kill Jewish children and babies; they are guaranteed Gehinom, together with those who converted to the religions of the Gentiles (even though nobody was persecuting them), and together with those who married Gentiles (even though they could have easily married Jews).

    The Neturei Karta may look like pious Jews on the outside;
    but on the inside, their souls are as sicker than those who commit homosexuality and incest.

  7. Hopefully, the new government will not allow them to ever return to EY, or if they seek to enter, put them in jail indefinitely as they would with anyone involved in supporting or promoting terrorism.

  8. lakewoodbt,

    How would your family feel if you were gruesomely murdered and dismembered so that your body parts had to be picked out of the nearby gutters and trees? How would they then feel if “frum” Jews visited your killer based on their differing “daas torah”? Your grieving relatives would respect that, right?

  9. The little i know: they never have nor will want dirty israeli $.
    Btw even though theyre crazy, they are just a (twisted overdone) reaction to the travesty that the fraudlent state.of israel really is. Goebbels ym”sh would be proud of the Zionists , Daati Leumi, Jewish Press , Mizrachu, YU and the likes. Years and years of lies and cannonizing the state have made it sacrosanct by too many.
    Galus goes on.

  10. It’s so funny to see Neutari Karta hang out with these Islamists. NK couldn’t care less about Palestinian rights and the Islamic Jihad ideologues would probably make them pay the jizya if they had the chance.

  11. To be honest these guys look like they are emotionally disturbed, and they don’t represent Neturei Karta (Torah Veyirah), which has many great talmidei chachomim. I did not grow up with the Torah Veyirah hashkafa at all, and was nor mekabel any of it from my rabaeim, but I did have many conversations with many of them when I was learning in EY (about 15 years ago), and the vast majority of them have NOTHING to do with these wackos going to Jenin. These nuts broke off (or better said were thrwon out)years ago and opened a shul called ohel sarah, and don’t even send their children to neturei karta schools (Torah Veyeirah)

  12. > ujm

    First, it was Titus, not Vespasian, who led the Roman attack that breeched Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. Second, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai met the “Emperor” Vespasian, not with some terrorist group. That is more like Menahem Begin meeting with the President of Egypt even after the latter had attacked Israel. And in both cases the meetings brought a certain type of peace, instead of doing what these guys are doing and purposely encouraging further attacks on Jews (instead of negotiating a stoppage of hostilities).

    And further, the Talmud states clearly that the ones who are responsible for bringing on the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple were those (Jews) who worked from the “inside” of Jerusalem to sabotage their resources – all in the name of (allegedly) fighting the enemy by destroying the Jewish resources.

  13. Yossi shtup
    According to your twisted logic, we should praise kapos that we’re helping Hitler. After all Hitler was doing God’s will, he was just doing the dirty work.

  14. georgeg,

    Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai was also the undisputed Gadol Hador. Who do these anti-Semitic animals consider their “daas torah”?

  15. I blame the horrible occupation regime that I have never visited Jenin. The regime has prevented me from dalet amos in certain parts of Yisroel. The Arabs aren’t the problem.

  16. Schmendrick:Why dont you join them.?You and your Friend and ideas is the Problem.You are not only a Am Haaretz also somebody that belongs to the sect of Lev Tahor

  17. Reading yossi shtups comment makes my stomach turn.

    If people are using the teachings of Rav Avigdor Miller to praise the killing of Jews, then klal yisroel has reached an all time low…..
    We need Moshiach. Now.

  18. I respect being anti zionist , but why support Palestinians who have Jewish blood on their hands ?
    For the Palestinians all the jews are the same including NK. If they have the opportunity to kill them they will do.

  19. georgeg: The Romans were worse than Hamas terrorists. And NK’s goal (possibly correctly) in these meetings is the same as Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai meeting the one who destroyed Yerushalayim and killed hundreds of thousands of Yidden (according to Josephus). They’re meeting the Arabs does absolutely no damage; and possibly helps in the future.

  20. @rebbetzingolden

    Lol, I knew someone would respond like that, just didn’t think it would come from you…

    Ya there’s a subtle difference.
    Praising the killing of Jews is worse than twisting the gemoras words…

    Now, aside from that seemingly obvious distinction, I do encourage you to look up the gemorah in Sanhedrin 98b and see for yourself if words are twisted.

  21. Can you please post their names.

    They must be put halachicly into Cherem? What’s a Halacha of a Jew who endangers Jews purposely for personal profit?
    Regardless of wearing Jewish garments and his despicable Chilul Hashem.

  22. when ever this guys do their shtik, i wonder if i could email or fax to the guys who they are visiting, the last 2 prokim of the Rambam in Melochim, and tell them to ask the NK guys to translate it to them, and ask them if they believe in what it says there (especially about rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash); and then i wonder, would that be malshinush?

  23. These resha’im just blow my mind. Do they think that because Zionism is avodah zarah… which it is, of course… then that means they should FRATERNIZE WITH PEOPLE WHO MURDER THEIR BRETHREN!
    Yemach shemam vizichram.

  24. While condemning any actions that express support or recognition of murderers of Yidden, I always wonder why some people seem to think these 4 or 5 guys — it’s usually the same bunch every time– are worse than the much larger gaggle of Israeli leftists who endlessly agitate for more concessions to these murderers. Leftists who are much more influential than these kooks. And for the umpteenth time — they are not Israeli citizens, so there aren’t any “stipends ” or passports to cancel. Yes, they could be barred from entering Israel, but then the Israeli government would have to bar scores, perhaps hundreds of secular leftists who are not Israeli citizens.
    Why are 5 NK deserving of such vehement criticism, while nary a word when seculars do the same. Secularists who are much more numerous and influential than the gang of 5.

  25. american,

    What’s so hard to understand?

    These NK animals are being criticized precisely because they’re supposedly frum and should not meet with terrorists who have Jewish blood on their hands, simply because they hate Israel. Just as they shouldn’t have participated in the Tehran Holocaust Denial Conference with the anti-Semites who want to perpetrate the next one.

  26. the Neturei Karta must be put in חרם.

    their rhetoric and soft stance against obvious & bloodthirsty שונאי ישראל like the Arabs endanger the lives of yidden everywhere

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