VIDEO: Minister Bennett: The Jews Were Here Before the British


Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett was interview on BBC World News, asked to comment on the ongoing ‘peace efforts’ between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Bennett explained “Israel is and has been our home for 3,000 years”, explaining that efforts to reach an agreement with the PA have been ongoing for the past twenty years, albeit without success. He explains that on three occasions land has been handed over and in return, all Israel receives is missiles.

Bennett said the words that few ministers will utter, that “Yes, Israel is ours and it belongs exclusively to the Jewish People…”

See the 25 minute interview (in English):

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. The problem with trying to make a secular claim based on ethnicity, is that the Palestinians are largely descended from those living in Eretz Yisrael prior to the Arab conquest, and for the most part have DNA reflecting Caanites, Moabites, Plistim (who were Greek it turns out), Roman and Greeks conquerers and most importantly the Misyavanim. A “racial” theory doesn’t work to the zionists advantage.

    2. There were many gairim (converts) over the centuries, and while under halacha they are 100% Jews, and we are all descended from them, if you base the claim to Israel on purely racial factors, they don’t count. If you say halacha “naturalized” them you have a problem since Israel has made a point of rejecting the validity of halacha.

    3. If you try to base a claim on religious factors, you run into the problem that Taanach specifically said that non-religious Jews would be tossed out, and guess who Bennett is BFF with.

  2. To Akuperma:

    where does it say in Tanach that non-religious Jews will be tossed out? From what I have learned about the end of days, when Moshiach comes all Jews (frum and non-frum) will return to EY. No Jew will be tossed out, C’V, because we signed a contract with Hashem at Har Sinai that is eternal.

    Yasher koach to Naftali Bennett, although I am waiting for him to say that EY is our land because we are G-d’s chosen people and He gave it to us as an inheritance.

  3. Bennets statement reflects a “far-right” view, just as any anti-Semitic party in Europe that want to see a white-only country…
    it has nothing with yidishkeit, in fact he & his party are a embarrassment, a chilul hashem like never before
    It’s the worst possible chilul hashem to use the torah to their own “religious zionist” agenda

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