The maggid shiur HaRav Efraim Fishel Yisrael Weinberger and his wife embraced their first child this week after 34 long years of waiting
HaRav Weinberger, a 52-year-old Bobover chassid, got married in Brooklyn in 1988. After being married for many years without being zohech to zera shel kayama, the couple moved to Eretz Yisrael 11 years ago – partially due to a promise they received that they would have a baby boy if they moved to Eretz Hakodesh.
They settled in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Rav Weinberger is a maggid shiur in Yeshivas Ketana Darchei Yosher, a Bobover 45 yeshivah.

HaRav Weinberger also established chaburos for avreichim with fertility issues and would arrange trips and Shabbatonim and be mechazik them.
A huge Mazal Tov!
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
14 Responses
Mazel Tov
33 or 34?
[“They moved to EY] partially due to a promise they received that they would have a baby boy if they moved to Eretz Hakodesh…”
Promise from who??
Reb Naftuli of Bobov
The promise was from Reb Naftuli of Bobov, the previous Bobover Rebbe…….
Thanks Hock….amazing story. The whole family should have only hatzlacha and good outcomes going forward
may they have a many long years and moments with this child
Participant January 5, 2023 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm
33 or 34?
You are what is called a “NUDNIK”
does it really matter if it is 33 or 34 ?
we pity the unfortunate spouse married to you LOL
It should state that a Bobov *couple* had a baby after 34 years of marriage Obviously someone is 18 years out of touch with the reality:- This Couple are NOT Bobov, because they are a “Bobov-45 Couple” & not simply plain “Bobov”, being that Bobov-45 is another different sect.
That appellation mentioned, belongs exclusively to another sect.
Please come to Kiddush and Shalosh Seudos in hakoras hatov sponsored by rabbi Yaakov Rubin of Horizons Shul in Lakewood NJ (formerly of LA) – this Shabbos Kodesh at 555 Joe Parker in Lakewood. (Space in limited, but hakoras hatov is not.)
147: Who cares if they are Bobov 45, Ger 217 or Misnagdim#1
They are Yidden who have experienced a great segulah and its not really important which chassidus they identify with.
Is the baby a boy or a girl?
Reply to 147
Only a bitter 48er would write your comment.