HaRav Amar: “Unparalleled Bushah – Yiryei Shamayim Supported Ohana’s Appt”

HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Amar

The Rav of Jerusalem, HaRav Shlomo Amar, slammed the Chareidi MKs who voted last week in favor of the appointment of Likud MK Amir Ohana as Knesset Speaker last week.

Ohana is the first member of the toeivah community to serve as the Knesset Speaker and thanked his “husband” during the ceremony.

UTJ MKs Moshe Gafni and Meir Porush bowed their heads when Ohana mentioned his partner.

“Oiy for that busha, oiy for that cherpah,” HaRav Amar said during his weekly shiur in the Ner HaTorah Beis Medrash in Jerusalem. “Oiy to the ears who hear this, appointing them to so-called important positions, they already lost all their shame.”

HaRav Amar continued by quoting the words of the Ohr HaChayim HaKadosh, that before the Geulah, Am Yisrael is destined to reach the 50th gate of tumah. “In Mitzrayim, they reached the 49th gate of tumah. Hakadosh Baruch Hu afflicted them with the hardship of slavery in order to hasten their departure before they reached the 50th gate of tumah. And why – because if they reached the 50th gate, they wouldn’t be able to leave. That was there [in Mitzrayim] because they hadn’t yet received the Torah. But in the last Geulah, they’ll reach the 50th gate and will emerge from it via the Torah – this matter is the 50th gate of tumah.”

“Even if there were meshugaim who did this, they would hide it and oiy to those who heard about it. And now in our great sins, the boundaries have been breached, Hashem Yeracheim, that He shouldn’t bring calamities upon Yisrael. They make parades about it, they’re proud of it.”

“Unfortunately, even people who are considered Yereiyim [G-d fearing] supported it, it’s an unparalleled bushah – people who represent Torah and religion. We need to be greatly mechazeik in this matter very much – it’s a very stringent matter, it’s the lowest thing there is.”

“These are things that never happened before, to make it public – it’s a great bushah. On the other hand, when I heard about the appointment, I thought that maybe the time of the Moshiach had come because it says chutzpah yasge [chutzpah will increase]. There were many chutzpos but here we’ve already reached a peak. We need to be careful not to bring those people close, not to allow them to complete a minyan.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. We moved to E. Yisroel after I retired, 6 years ago. I’ve voted in, I think 4, national elections since we got here for Yahadus HaTorah (Gimel). With this Chilul HaShem of all the Chareidi Knesset members voting for one of Ketzinei Sedom to be the face of the Knesset, I do not plan to vote in future elections.

  2. Get over it…..Netanyahu had said multiple times in the past few days that he will ignore all the anti-LGBTQ commitments in the coalition agreements with the religious parties. Someone should remind the Rav of the old expression, “If you lie down with dogs, don’t be surprised if you get up with fleas”. I’m clearly not a supporter of Bibi and really surprised that anyone expects him to keep his word on ANY issue. As long as UTJ and Agudah get increased funding for their mosdos, their rabbonim and MKs will keep crying “Oy” and ”Gavalt” all the way to the bank

  3. I know what I do:- I study and internalize קריאת התורה של יום הכיפורים מנחה and stay FAAAAAR AWAY from these Abominable תועיבות

  4. Funny how he has never had a problem with the string of mechalelei shabbos and boalei nidah (or worse) who have served as speaker before, nor with the string of such people who have been prime ministers, presidents, and ministers, nor even with the huge campaign this year to install such a person as prime minister, but this one appointment has caught his attention. It makes one suspect that his objection to Ohana does not come from true kana’us for Torah, but from baser instincts; bigotry and hatred that come from the yetzer hara, not from the yetzer tov.

    Objectively, Ohana is a decent person, a dedicated supporter of the policies that are good for Israel, and his only flaw is that he is not a shomer mitzvos; specifically which mitzvos he doesn’t keep is irrelevant. None of us know what he and his “husband” do together; for all any of us, including Rabbi Amar, know, they may not be doing any issurei torah, or at least nothing more than a plain lav. And we can be pretty confident they are *not* violating several serious issurei torah that many other politicians *are*. So with all due respect Rabbi Amar should get over himself.

  5. Ohana will never be blessed by me ……this position remains open, a gay man is not an option, we are a Torah lead world and this Ohana should stay on Netflix and still remain lost….shame on Ohana, shame for Bibi doing this shame on this for his grandson ….Bibi….shame on you for this post, garbage in and garbage out…..do not ever lose you vote…

  6. Mulhouse Unfortunately you’re struggling with you’re own demons but you must know that halachic Judaism views this particular sin much differently. The Igros Moshe explains that homosexuality is toavah in the eyes of Hashem because it’s contrary to the very laws of nature. Please look up up the Bais halevy parshas noach.

  7. Rav Amar is Absolutely Correct.

    @wieselberg: you can vote for Noam from now on if you don’t like UTJ. Not voting should never be an option.

    @Milhouse: No. Ohana is an absolute רשע for doing such a thing and deserves to be immediately executed. You are not even allowed to speak of any good on such a person.

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