Shock & Sorrow In Bnei Brak: Sefer Torah Falls To Floor On Shabbos Morning

The aron kodesh in Yeshivas Ponevezh. (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

A Sefer Torah fell to the floor on Shabbos morning before Kriyas HaTorah in Yeshivas Ponevezh in Bnei Brak.

According to a report by B’Chadrei Chareidim, the unfortunate incident occurred in the yeshivah’s Ohel Kedoshim hall. The Sefer Torah was apparently tied to another Sefer Torah in the Aron Kodesh, which caused it to fall down when the first one was lifted up.

Hundreds of bochurim witnessed the sight and now they are awaiting a decision on whether to fast [other than on Asara B’Teivis]. A group of bochurim asked the posek HGaon HaRav Menachem Mendel Lubin, who said that only those who saw Sefer Torah fall need to fast.

On Shabbos afternoon, when HaGaon HaRav Meir Hershkovitz, the Ba’al Yegiyas Erev, arrived like every Shabbos at the home of the Rosh Yeshivah HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman and told him about the horrifying incident. HaRav Bergman responded: “It’s a terrible thing. We need to do teshuvah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. I’m not an expert but maybe the fighting in Ponevitz (and Satmar, and every other group in Klal Yisroel that is fighting) should be the focus of the teshuva? The biggest difference between the Dor HaMabul and the Dor HaFloga is that the Dor HaFloga was at least united in something. A father gets no nachas when his kids fight. But if they gang up against him – ahhhh at least he gets the nachas of them being United. And, ultimately, that is what Hashem wants from us. No more fighting.

  2. BaltimoreMaven
    You are spot on…
    You are not an expert. Don’t play God
    At best thise involved don’t care what you say.
    At Worst you are being Mekatreig against Klal Yisroel.
    I wonder what’s worse?

  3. Yid612 – I’m saying it out of complete Ahavas Yisroel. You on the other hand are ignoring the most problematic issue facing Klal Yisroel- sins chinam. It’s not happenstance that TWO sifrei Torah were tied together.

    It may be true they do not care. But they should. And I am not potur feom being Mocheh as the Gemora says in many places.

  4. Knowing what’s been going on in Ponevezh for the last twenty years or so, can’t say I’m surprised. And all the goodie goodies out there, couldn’t care less about what you think.

  5. yid613
    The fighting in Ponevitz needs to stop! That is the biggest kitrug ch”v that can be. You do not need to be in Heavens to understand that. Bringing it out into the open might be the only way these people will realise that their laundry is being washed in public.

  6. awaiting a decision on whether to fast:- Plain & simple:-
    1) Transpose עשרה ב”טבת for this year, into a 25 hour צום מבעוד יום with all 5 Inuyim
    2) Decree a fast this forthcoming יום-הזיכרון followed by everyone reciting full הלל the next day יום העצמאות הבא עלינו לטובה which shall create such unbelievable אחדות בבני ישראל

  7. my comment is going to sound strange. im very sad to hear this news.

    But when i thought about it again, look at whats considered big news for klal yisroel!! a sefer torah fell on the floor! oy vey! gevalt such terrible news coming out of bnei brak that i should hear it all the way to new york! Mi ke’amcha Yisroel!

    you dont hear the local goyish papers report that l’havdil a holy book of other religions fell on the floor, even when they report on literally every little thing that happens in that world.

  8. Fasting when a sefer torah falls is not an actual halacha. It’s more an appropriate emotional response when such a thing happens; one who sees it ought to feel that he has to do something to repair his relationship with HKBH, and fasting is traditionally something one does for that purpose. So there are no clear halachos about this, and modern poskim differ widely; basically a person in such a situation should ask his own rov, and do whatever the rov says, without regard to what anyone else’s rov told them.

  9. To Baltimore Maven
    Your comment needs some thought.
    You have some valid points.
    By the way, in Satmar the fighting eased up a little.
    I can’t imagine that they are still throwing shtenders in Ponivitch.

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