Chaveirim of 5 Towns/Rockaway Answers Record Number of Calls Over Freezing Temperature Weekend

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

“The Proud. The Few. The Marines.”  This motto could very well have been used by another group of dedicated few – the Five Towns Far Rockaway Chaveirim Volunteers. Last weekend a state of emergency was declared in the area.  Nonetheless, Chaveirim 5T/FR was out there – answering a record 124 calls over the weekend.

“I guess what I found impressive the most about the weekend from Friday morning through Sunday night was the fact that responders went to go to calls especially Friday when it was a state of emergency,” remarked Aharon Kagan, Director of Special Operations. “A lot of the calls were impossibly difficult – from motzei Shabbos the temperature were absolutely frigid and people really put time enormous amounts of time.”

One volunteer said, “I made up my mind that I was going to give four hours in total to help people.  I’ll do what I can.”

There was certainly an element of risk for the volunteers going out in such inclement and nasty weather.  What was also impressive was that these volunteers were using their personal vehicles.  The selflessness is remarkable.

Aharon Kagan continued,  “We do buy the equipment for our volunteers, but many of them upgrade their equipment with their own funds. and you know they’re putting their own vehicles on the line – we don’t have insurance for them. so I think there’s a little bit of that and you know when they’re pulling cars out of the snow there is the element of risk. Obviously we want them to be safe, but to see the dedication of the members and being there to do for the klal that’s extraordinary.”

From lockouts to dead batteries to boosts and to getting into your own home when you are locked out, Chaveirim is there.

To reach Chaveirim Five Towns call 718-337-1800

Donations can be made online – [email protected]

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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