Chareidi Mother Injured By Dumpster Regains Consciousness, 2nd Suspect Arrested

Police officers at the scene of the incident. (Israel Police)

Israel Police on Tuesday arrested a second person suspected of being involved in overturning a dumpster that careened out of control and severely injured a Chareidi mother of 11 almost two weeks ago. The first suspect was arrested on Sunday.

The second suspect was arrested on Tuesday in Elad after fleeing from Jerusalem following the incident. The police are bringing him to a Jerusalem court on Wednesday to request an extension of his arrest.

Meanwhile, the injured woman, Mirel Duzlovosky, has regained consciousness and is communicating with those around her. However, she is still ventilated and is in serious condition and her family has requested that the public continue to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Mirel bas Rochel Leah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. שלם ישלם המבעיר את הבערה so clearly there is no way out:- These 2 savages have to pay all the expenses including the entire lengthy expensive hospitalization for Mrs. Mirel Duzlovosky, as well as all transportation for her family to visit her & time taken off from work to visit her, and not a penny on the Israeli taxpayers.

  2. or this chareidi fraktion should pay for it. they did even not condem it.Only taking money from the state
    not working and then all does things are allowed. What a chillul hashem. And they tell others what to do.

  3. I know the first bochur that was arrested, and I might know the second person arrested. The first person is a bochur of special needs, but I do not know why he is suspected of doing this. It might be true. Yesterday, they tried to arrest his rebbi, because — get this — he learns with him from time to time. The Rebbi told me this. While the first person might be a savage, the second person is completely innocent.
    I still don’t know for sure whether the Rebbi was arrested. I will, I hope, find out today. I wonder if they will come to America to arrest me because I once learned with the Rebbi.

  4. Youngsters who participate in hafganos and burn dumpsters are inspired by their role models. The leaders who encourage these hafganos should bear responsibility. The youngsters are victims of their cult leaders, just as the woman is a victim of their actions.

  5. 147, they have no money! Their parents can’t be held liable; not under halacha, nor under Israeli law or that of any other country.

    Rafi Cohen, how many years of prison does somebody get in the US for reckless endangerment? Not many. Especially if (1) the woman survives, and (2) they’re tried as juveniles.

    Rif, nobody incited them to to this; they were just bored teenagers and came up with it on their own. And that’s even using Israel’s definition of “incitement”. Under the US definition the leaders are definitely innocent.

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