ARREST: 16-Year-Old Suspect Arrested In Dumpster Injury Case

Israel Police

Israel Police on Sunday arrested a 16-year-old in Mea Shearim suspected of being involved in overturning the dumpster that careened out of control and seriously injured a Chareidi mother during a protest almost a week and a half ago.

The teen is also suspected of being involved in setting a cell phone store in Geula on fire a few months ago. Several suspects were previously arrested in the case.

The police stated that “during the operation of the police forces of the Jerusalem District in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of the city, a suspect was arrested for setting fire to and overturning a dumpster that crushed and seriously injured Mirel Duzlovosky, a passerby who walked by during violent riots.”

“The police will continue to act against disturbers of the peace, lawbreakers, and violent criminals who harm citizens or police officers.”

Unfortunately, Duzlovosky, a mother of 11, including a baby, is still in serious condition – sedated and ventilated. The family has asked the public to continue to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Mirel bas Rochel Leah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Why wasn’t a suspected arsonist from a prior crime have been arrested. Hopefully, this time, if the allegations are proven he will be locked away with other terrorists for as long as the law will allow.

  2. “Gadol”
    What this kid has done is terrible, and inexcusable.
    And so is your tone and attitude towards a Jewish kid….

  3. He is a minor and a Yid, albeit a very misguided one who did terrible things. He should be prevented from doing further harm and he should be straightened out but not locked up with murderous terrorists.

  4. The Zionist Storm Troopers have a history of chapping a random innocent from the streets of a frum neighborhood when they can’t identify any real suspects.

  5. How about placing this 16 year old kid in the dumpster, setting it alight, and rolling it over a cliff:- The poor innocent Goat is infinitely more innocent then this kid, yet gets pushed over a cliff.
    Mark my word:- When this punishment happens:- There shall never be another ounce of violence at any demonstration.

  6. 147 and not such a Gadol

    You both sound absurd and ridiculous with no brain at all! They are wrong for what they did but it’s a Jew after all you don’t just kill them or put him with terriosts. There is halacha to follow.

  7. with all due respects, the suspect had no intention of harming anyone, he merely sent rolling down the hill the dumpster, which is not a recommended action, but still, not an intentional action to injure anyone.
    Since he is 16, as the reports say, he should be treated as a minor and his parents should get a big fine for not educating him as how to act properly.

  8. If we had a Sanhedrin, I’m pretty sure they could not sentence him to death for his actions, heinous as they were. If we care about rehabilitating this youth, locking him up together with terrorists and murderers will probably have the opposite effect. Of course, some punishment is definitely warranted. Exactly how to handle this according to da’as Torah is a question for the Gedolei Harabbonim.

  9. lazerc you are partially right.
    let me tell all you trolls out there (not you lazerc), that i myself was once literally picked off the streets one night on the way to maariv, and accused of attempting to overturn a car. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

    I explained to the police in the ‘migrash harusim’ (russian compound) that i appreciate their insatiable desire on covering up their most downright incompetence by randomly picking off people on the streets, but it aint gonna help, because the REAL Arab terrorist, or the REAL criminal, or the REAL offender etc is still on the loose, due to them not catching them, but rather catching an innocent child/bachur who clearly is no identity match for some rogue terrorist running the streets with a machete or worse.
    this only gains two things:
    1) The real danger remains at large and a risk.
    2) Using such tactics instill a bottomless (and well deserved) hatred of the police, yasam and generally the government etc.
    why my kneck and back was nearly broken, and i have permanent damage to my back due to an incredulously stupid claim of me trying to turn over a car, and left in a cell with dangerous elements/charecters, without being treated is above me. No excuse.
    And hey- don’t go saying ”there is always a rotten apple, but you gotcha look at the good”, because i’ve got a suprise for you. Israel is full to the brim of rotten apples.
    You know what amazes me the most?
    all the trolls here at YWN comments and everywhere else in the worldm seem to have an immense ahavas yisrael for the russian mafia, out-of-prison criminals and arab yasam and police, but wish a brutal and gruesome death on an innocent 16 year old who comes from meah shearim.

  10. 147
    And YWN have a lot to answer for publishing apikurses and a mockery of the Torah

    Shame on you!!!

    Godol and 147 the Gemora would question your Jewishness (Klal Yisroel has 3 simanim, it is clear you are for sure missing one)

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