Family Of Injured Chareidi Woman: “Protesters Acted Wrongly But Didn’t Intend To Kill”

Israel Police

Four days after the protest which severely injured a Chareidi woman, her family members issued a message that they feel that their tragedy is being taken advantage of to direct vitriol at the Chareidi sector.

Mirel Duzlovosky, 40, a mother of 11 children including an eight-month-old nursing baby, was seriously injured on Thursday night on her way back from shopping for Shabbos with her daughter during a protest and has been hospitalized since then in the ICU at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital.

In a conversation with a Yisrael Hayom reporter, her family members expressed their concern “about the extremism against the Chareidi sector which has erupted in full force in recent days.”

In their opinion, the public outcry doesn’t stem “from caring about the Chareidi sector and especially those who live in Mea Shearim, but is being used as an opportunity to slam and ignite the fire of hatred that flares up anyway.”

“We feel as if everybody was waiting for something to happen in Mea Shearim and are celebrating our horrifying event,” Mirel’s sister said. “The truth has to be said – that group of youths who rioted did a terrible thing of course but they didn’t intend to injure my sister but to block the street during a protest. It pains us that people think that through this hatred, they’re being mechazeik us. We’re not looking for culprits.”

Another family member said: “We’re in a very difficult situation and this hate speech only adds to the pain. We want this incident to lead to ahavas chinam. Nobody thinks they did something good, they did something very bad – but ultimately they intended to move a garbage dumpster and block off the street – not to kill.”

Yisrael Aryeh Duzlovsky, Mirel’s father-in-law, said: “We’re not looking for anyone to be arrested but rather to fix the general situation – that the daily routine, which is halted time and time by violent protests, return to its former quiet.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Does it matter whether they intended to kill or not if they definitely had a reckless disregard for human life? It probably matters a little bit but not a whole lot.

  2. רפואה שלמה, רפואת הנפש ורפואת הגוף.
    I am sure its painful for the respectable people in those neighborhoods to be lumped together with a handful of hotheads. But there has to be a stronger voice against the hefkeirus to vandalize public property and to disrupt the lives of residents.

  3. They don’t want to be the cause of anti chareidi/anti extremist sentiment…
    They just want a refua shleima…Hashem should help…

  4. The Common Law has a principle that if you intended to commit a crime, even a small one, you are responsible for everything that results even if you didn’t intend that. If someone dies you are guilty of murder. That is what the term “felony murder” means; you’re a murderer because the death resulted from your intentional felony. If you had not intended to commit any crime at all, then you’d be innocent.

    Blocking a road is a terrible thing to do, even if nobody is hurt as a result. And they clearly intended to do that. Therefore under this principle they’re responsible for all the harm that results from their action.

  5. “We dont anyone being arrested”

    If the country was run according to Torah Law, they would be sent into Exile (like Jail) if she dies, and if not, they would have to pay 5 things – damage, pain, unemployment, medicine and embarrassment.
    Adam Muad L’Olam!

  6. @besalel: you’re wrong; they had no disregard of human life, it didn’t occur to them, such a terrible thing could happen – accidents happens even with the best intentions.
    Hopefully, leaders and organisers of those hafgonos, will take notice and stop intimidating citizens who just want to go and drive about their lives.

  7. Can we get back to the times when Hafganot were rare, nearly unanimous, and effective?
    If every day by lunch you close the streets anyways, then you lose the powerful effect of a large targeted protest.
    It needs to be rare enough that there are not dedicated police units who specially train to break up charedi Hafganot (rumor has it that the reason it took so long to break up the anti-Netanyahu riots this past weekend is that they needed to import the riot police from Yerushalayim)

  8. I regret, my first thought was also on the awful hell that waits for the charedi hooligan perpetrators.
    But we have to learn to care so much more about the injured, it’s a knee jerk reaction to want Arab terrorists to die, but we don’t think twice about the victims, the people killed or injured rachmona litzlon, REFUAH SHELEYMO BEKOROV!!

  9. Ahhh. Thanks so much for clarifying that. Good they had no intention to commit murder. Now they can go back to shoving burning dumpsters and we don’t have to feel they’re anything less than the stellar human beings they think they are.

  10. Some “loving” family she’s got!
    If my sister ended up in the hospital because of some morons showing depraved indifference, and I knew their identities, there would not be “investigations”. There would be FUNERALS!
    An eye for an eye!

  11. The only real question is whether the new government will continue this pattern of allowing these animals to demonstrate with impunity or will crush them once and for all.

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