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4 Mths. After Terror Attack: Pregnant Woman Shot In Abdomen Is Released With Baby

Liba Ahuva Schreiber, 37, who was critically injured in a terror attack near Kever Dovid in August, was released from the hospital on Monday along with her healthy baby, who was delivered by an emergency C-section in the wake of the attack.

Following the shooting attack, Liba was evacuated with multi-system injuries to Shaare Tzedek Hospital, where doctors delivered her 26-week-old baby via C-section. Liba’s condition was defined as critical and she was transferred to the intensive care unit, where doctors fought to save her life. Several floors above the ICU, doctors fought for the life of her newborn, whose condition initially seemed completely hopeless.

The staff members at the hospital were overwhelmed with emotion as they watched Liba, standing on her own two feet and holding her baby, whom she was unable to care for for the first four months of his life.

Liba’s husband, Chaim, said: “ברוך שעשה לנו נס במקום הזה. We arrived here after Tisha B’Av and we’re leaving on Erev Chag HaChanukah, happy to celebrate Chanukah with our family. We thank the Borei Olam who revived and sustained us, on the nissim and nifloas. A special thank you to the dedicated medical, nursing, and social work staff who treated and saved the lives of my wife and baby. Thank you to the MDA staff who saved her life and evacuated her quickly. Thank you to the trauma and ICU staff who saved her from death to life and to the entire surgical department and all the other departments who fought to save and rehabilitate her. Thank you to the PICU staff who tended to the baby for over four months until now, when he can return home with us, healthy.”

Both Liba and her baby, Dovid, still have a long and difficult road ahead of them and will have to return for follow-up medical treatment and further surgeries. The family has requested that the public continue to daven for Liba Ahuva bas Rivka Breindel and her baby Dovid ben Liba Ahuva l’refuah sheleimah and that they merit to bring Dovid to the bris of Avraham Avinu healthy and sound and raise him to Torah, Chuppah and maasim tovim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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