Trailblazing Conferences: Torah and Tahara

Blank Title   HomeOn a recent whirlwind tour to the United States, wrapping up the weeks of Shovavim, Rav Yitzchak Melber, founding director of Toras HaMishpacha, was fuelled by a holy mission. A marathon of ten independent conferences drew crowds of over four hundred Rabbonim and Poskim from the breadth of the United States. Five events were arranged in Lakewood alone, while others were held elsewhere.

Picture for Monsey ConferencedRav Peretz Steinberg, shlita, the Mara D’Asra of Queens orchestrated a seminar in his very own Beis Medrash, for the benefit of local Rabbonim, while Rav Eitan Feiner, Shlita, the Rav of the White Shul Beis Medrash ran a few consecutive events in the Five Towns.

One major Lakewood event took place in the Kol Aryeh hall, hosted by the Mara D’Asra, Rav Moshe Peretz Schwartz, Shlita, and under the auspices of Rav Avraham Schpitzer, Dayan of Skver. In another heartwarming meeting with Rav Malkiel Kotler, Shlita, the Rosh yeshiva thanked Rav Melber for bringing these lectures to the community.  Meanwhile, tens of dayanim dealing with hilchos Even HaEzer attended a shiur by Rav Melber at the behest of Rav David Grossman, Shlita, of the Beis Va’ad Beis Din and Rav Chanoch Zaltz, Shlita, head of the Beis Din.

Yet another conference was organized by Yad Rachel, a Lakewood association that provides support to women with perinatal mood disorders. Here, too, Rabbi Melber delivered a comprehensive talk on the ramifications of these particular issues pertaining to women’s emotional health and Halacha.

Conference for Rabbonim in LakewoodIn BMG, Lakewood, two major chaburas on hilchos Tahara were each attended by close to one hundred avreichim. Questions were raised on the spot, and local residents approached Rav Melber following each lecture, relieved to know that here, finally, was someone who understood their difficulties — someone with answers at hand. Information is the name of the game. Lacking relevant knowledge in such a sensitive area can have far reaching – even devastating – effects. One yungerman approached the Rav as he left the hall. “If only we had known of you a year ago… my wife and I struggled with one seemingly small problem for an entire year. We suffered from it terribly until we found a solution. If we had spoken to you, you could have sorted us out with one brief piece of advice”.

Rabbi Ladinsky's Chabura IIssues of women’s health that hinder taharas hamishpacha are frequently neglected by secular medical professionals. Not understanding their significance, they simply do not assign them much importance. Ever since establishing his pioneering organization together with his wife, Rav Melber (originally from Monsey, NY), has made it his business to liaise with medical experts diplomatically and assertively, seeking solutions to a wide spectrum of medical-halachic problems. He brings his knowledge, in the process, to the forefront of the frum community’s awareness throughout the world.

Shiur for chabura of Rabbi Moshe Zev Feldman, shlitaThe importance of having someone who understands the medical jargon when discussing these issues with doctors is frequently underestimated. One community Rav with whom Rav Melber met in private, expressed concern about a method he had been recommending to his constituents. “I am confused” he said. “I was convinced by a prominent doctor that this is the best device out there — and now I read in your leaflet that you strongly discourage its use!” Rav Melber offered to call the doctor on the Rav’s behalf, and a brief conversation quickly clarified that a misunderstanding had occurred following the physician’s original explanation. The Rav had been dispensing this mistaken advice for quite some time.

Rabbonim in Queens Conference at YIQYToras HaMishpacha provides Rabbis, doctors, Kallah teachers and other professionals with a surefire address for cutting edge information and advice. Since these service providers are well positioned to disseminate this knowledge where it is most needed, frequent conferences give them tools to prevent months, even years, of needless suffering from couples undergoing domestic distress

A woman prevented from achieving optimal health is frequently under unbearable strain, and may find it difficult to fulfill her pivotal role as mainstay of the Jewish home.  While the entire raison d’etre of Toras HaMishpacha is to find solutions to almost any such scenario, one project stands out in its groundbreaking provision of immediate relief in time of need.  The Tahareinu hotline operates trained personnel (men or women) who are used to fielding questions regarding Taharas Hamishpacha with both sensitivity and discretion. Endorsed by leading Rabbonim in every community, the hotline staff takes calls from around the world, twenty four hours a day, six days a week.

To contact the toll free Tahareinu confidential hotline, call:

Israel – 1-599-599-180

USA & Canada – 1-855-482-4272

UK – +44-203-150-1536


Or visit the website at:

6 Responses

  1. Mr Geula

    Why criticize?
    You are right that there have been Rabbonim doing this for years. Try and find one. They are hard to find and reach. Reb Yitzchok Melber who I know personally and was in Kollel with him has been working to make this accessible to EVERYONE who needs this. One in 5 couples does not have this so simple. To know that he can ask easily anything which is bothering him is a very good servise for the Tzibur and Reb Yitzchok Melber is doing a great job. I was by a few of his shiurim and his presentation is first class.
    Lets us be happy that he is doing this, promote it for all those who need it. Everyone knows people waiting for their own simchos and I wish they all have theirs soon.

  2. I’m all for increasing the observance and understanding of taharas hamishpacha. I’m leading the effort to build a mikvah in our small shul outside of Atlanta with the assistance of some great organizations in Brooklyn and the Atlanta rabbonim. And I applaud the effort of halacha advisors to learn about and understand the unique issues that different families deal with in this realm. Some rabbeim are well-schooled in the medical and halachic issues that some families face, while others are not, and end up poskiming (is that a word?) incorrectly, chas v’shalom leading to an accidental violation of halacha or an issue of shalom bayis. So again, this is a worthy effort.

    What I don’t see, though, are the doctors and the women. Maybe they’re behind the scenes, and I’d hope they are. Halacha does not exist in a void. Modern medicine has a far better understanding of the human body now than it did 200 years (or even 30 years!) ago. Our poskim would do well to listen to medical professionals and women who may show that a problem is not as it seems on the surface.

    I hope this education spreads to communities outside the NYC area.

  3. I too know Rov Melber very well and I can testify personally that there is not one Rov out there that knows ALL that he does. Granted there are some rabbonim who deal with infertility, some with taharas hamishpacha issues, and others with other female issues, but Rov Melber is the only one who knows all of the aforementioned, as well as have good contacts with the doctors to whom to send people with medical issues. (I don’t even know if the doctors are as up-to-date with medical advances as he is). It is definitely convenient to have a one-stop address to go to when any of these shailos come up rather than have to go hunting specific rabbonim for different issues.

    And geula, the rabbonim you know that have been doing this for years, check with them and see whether or not they themselves have been trained by Rov Melber…

  4. Dear Reb EhrlicheYid

    There are Rabbonim with whom Reb Yitzchok Melber consults who have more experience and probably know more than him. There are others who know less. Rav Yitzchok Melber is making the information accessible to those who need it, while there are other Rabbonim, they are usually less accessible.

    I am not saying who is the greatest etc, I am saying that Rav Yitzchok Melber by advertising and promoting his organisation is doing a great service for all those that need this. He should continue promoting, advertising and making people aware of what is available, and those who need him and what he provides should all have a yeshua soon.

  5. I’m not saying he’s THE top; I’m sure in specific areas there are other Rabbonim who know more than him.

    What I meant to say that there isn’t anybody else with as much knowledge or resources IN TOTAL as he does.

    Just to reemphasize, he has helped out literally thousands of couples navigate halacha and medicine when it comes to to taharas hamishpacha.

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