Chareidi Woman Severely Injured During Protest By Extremists

The burning dumpster that severely injured a Chareidi mother of 11. (Israel Police)

A Chareidi woman of about 40 is in serious condition after being struck by a garbage dumpster and crushed against a wall during a protest by extremists on Rechov Rabbeinu Gershom on Thursday evening.

She received emergency medical aid at the scene and was evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery and is now in the ICU, sedated and ventilated.

“A woman in her forties suffering from severe chest trauma was evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Medical Center,” a statement from the hospital said. “The staff stabilized her condition and she was transferred to the intensive care unit while she is being ventilated and sedated.”

According to the woman’s family, she was on the way to shop for Shabbos when she was injured.

Scene of the incident. (Israel Police)

A police investigation into the incident has been launched and police forces examined the scene of the incident to collect evidence and try to locate the suspects.

Over the past two evenings, extremists held protests over the arrest of a resident of Beit Shemesh suspected of setting a cellular phone store in Jerusalem on fire.

The family has asked the public to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Mirel bas Rochel Leah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Why do you insist on calling these filthy sewer rats ” extremist’s”.
    No! they are nothing but murderous gangsters and hoodlums.
    These animals have the morals and brains of rabies infected sewer rats, and need to be treated EXACTLY as such, and that includes their so called leaders, as they say, when a fish stinks it starts from the head

  2. What’s important is that during the protests, the bochurim , when causing chaos and attacking people for sake of hashems holiness, should always keep their hats and jackets on.

  3. These ongoing endless are not going to end well, and with such a heinous crisis as this:- Time to administer corporal punishment & many decades in prison for all these wicked filthy goons & savages, including forcing these criminals to clean all bathrooms in Israel under supervision of police with a drawn out gun to make sure they don’t flee whilst doing this vital job.

  4. Best if the treif police, firemen, garbagemen and other employees of the wicked medina stop servicing these neighborhoods. They can then burn the place down all by themselves. A society like the one they’ve created will implode on its own eventually. It’s just a terrible rachmanus on the innocent people dragged into their chaos and corruption.

  5. @ Dr. Yidd, that is the most important part of this terrible problem. If young stupid bochurim behave so terribly, it’s awful enough. But when there is no condemnation by their leaders it’s totally incomprehensible. Leaders of other groups have to condemn also. I.e. some American and other bochurim like to show up at hafganos just “for the excitement.” They have to be told by their Roshei Yeshiva, also, in no uncertain terms, that these hafganos are terrible events and must not be supported by any sane person’s presence, in any way.

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