Pomona Fire Not Reported Because Of Shabbos, Firefighters Say

The following is an article from LoHud:

Firefighters responded to an automatic alarm at a home in Pomona on Saturday morning and learned that there had been a fire but no one called 911.

Officials said the mattress fire was not reported by phone because the home’s Orthodox Jewish occupants were observing the Sabbath. No one was injured.

Chris Kear, the public information officer for the Hillcrest Fire Department, said the fire at 16 Tara Drive started in a second-floor bedroom, where a man had used a pillow to dim a lamp for a child.


10 Responses

  1. So glad that b’h no one was injured but am not sure why 911 or Hatzoloh was not called.I think someone needs to talk to this family regarding what the halachas are for a shabbos emergency!! On another note….many, many years ago I was at a girls convention in Lakewood, only to be woken up in the wee hours of the nmorning to “Fire, Fire…everyone out”. We all ran. B’h, no one was injured. Some girls had put a towel over a light when going to sleep. The towel caught fire. Please….everyone should learn…NEVER put anything over a light. It will cause a fire. Buy a Shabbos lamp!!

  2. Sim-cha if you look up the halacha, a member of hatzolah is permitted to use his radio. The fire department may not be called if there is no danger to people and neighboring houses.

  3. The Debriciner Rov ztl paskened that nowadays, with gas & electric being prevalent and very very very dangerous, one may even put put a fire b’yadayim on shabbos. I wish rabbonim shlita would give updates to the hamon ahm.

  4. #4, your answer is a perfect example of why people with common sense should not pay attention to anonymous halachic posts on the internet.

  5. Kiddush Shem Shomayim. We should learn of the big mesiros nefesh this couple performed as is the Law when there is no immediate danger.

  6. #6

    I don’t know which religion you practicec. Halacha is a religion. Common sense is not. Based on religion, if I am not mistaken #4 is correct! And guess what, #4 was stating halacha, and was not talking in the name of your common sense. Common sense is that we follow halacha, even though it’s hard.

    Please everyone, post sources for your halacha so that everybody can look it up themselves, as well as understand the halacha a drop more. Or at least perhaps to know how to request more reason or hetter from his dayan etc.

  7. Bottom line you are not allowed to call 911 on shabbos unless there is a threat to someone’s life. You can not call just to save your house!

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