HaGaon HaRav Edelstein: “Success In Torah The Whole Year Is Dependent On This”

HaGaon HaRav Edelstein gives a shiur at Yeshivas Ponevezh. (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

Ahead of Chanukah, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein wrote a special letter to heichalei Torah and yeshivos which was signed by the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah.

“To Acheinu Beis Yisrael, in every location, Shalom U’Bracha,” the Rosh Yeshivah wrote. “There was a special Siyata Dishmaya during these days at the time of the Chashmanoim, that the gezeirah was annulled and they were zocheh to be oisek b’Torah and fulfill mitzvos in the zechus of their mesirus nefesh.”

“And it’s known what the Ramchal wrote, ‘that every tikun that was corrected and every great light that was illuminated at a certain time, when that time [of year] returns, a small part of the original light will shine and the outcome of the tikkun is renewed for whoever is mekabel it.'”

“And if so, the influence of Torah and mitzvos returns every year on Chanukah and it is the most propitious time of year for success in Torah and the fulfillment of mitzvos b’shleimus.”

“And since there was a yeshuah on Chanukah that the decree was revoked and it was possible again to be oisek b’Torah, it’s apparent that there is a great chiyuv on Chanukah to be oisek b’Torah.”

HaRav Edelstein added the words of the Shelah HaKodesh that “‘these days are the most appropriate of all days for hasmadah b’Torah and therefore one should arouse himself with great vigor during these days in Torah and mitzvos.’ And therefore one should greatly strengthen himself that he shouldn’t become lax in Torah during this kodesh time, and chaval on every moment of missed Torah during these days.”

The Rosh Yeshivah added: “And it’s pashut that chalilah to be mevatel the precious time at events that aren’t appropriate for Bnei Torah to participate in. V’adaraba during these kodesh days, it is appropriate to increase our occupation with Torah. And we hope that the mosdos Torah will continue its occupation with Torah as required and the heichalei Torah and Bataei Medrashos will be mechazeik in Torah and increase kedushah by establishing special sidrei limmud.”

“The days of Chanukah are days that are appropriate and mesugal for deveikus b’Torah – of course, each one according to his kochos, with yishuv hadaas and simcha, and whoever is wise will understand this and through this will be zocheh to success in Torah the entire year,” the Rosh Yeshivah concluded.

“.ויהי רצון שזכות התורה תגן עלינו ועל כל ישראל, ונזכה לגאולה שלמה במהרה בימינו אמן”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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