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TGI Survey Address Chareidi Media

yatedAccording to a TGI survey released on Thursday, 20 Adar I 5774 shows the printed chareidi media in Israel is following the path of printed media worldwide, on the decline. The world today prefers digital; websites and other formats, and it appears the chareidi community is no exception. The survey address all of 2013.

Regarding chareidi radio in Israel, Kol Berama maintains its lead with 27.8% of the listening audience. Kol Chai Radio is in second place with 23.5%.

Back to the printed daily media:

Daily printed:

· Yated Neeman in 1st place with 26.6% exposure (down from 36.8%)

· Hamodia in 2nd place with 15.8% (from 18.6%)

· HaMevaser i3rd place with 10.5% (from 12.3%)

· Last place is HaPeles with 9.9%.

Weekly Print Media:

· Mishpacha leads with 19.6% (down from 22.4%).

· Yated is in second place with 15.2% (down from 18.7%)

· Hamodia in 3rd place with 14.9% (from 17.7%)

· HaMevaser in 4th place with 7.6% (from 7.8%)

· BaKehilla in 5th place with 7.2% (from 7.3%)

· Yom L’Yom in 6th place with 6.4% (from 6.3%)

· Sha’ah Tova in last place with 1.4% (from 2.3%)


· Yated on Tuesdays at 55.5% (up from 54.6%)

· Mishpacha Newspaper at 37.8%

· Kav Itonut with 24.8% (from 25.1%)

· Merkaz Inyanim with 23% 9from 24.2%)

· HaPeles (free on Fridays) with 17.2%

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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