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Bennett Breaks His Silence to Declare Victory

benThe media has questioned Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett’s conspicuous silence as the Shaked Committee seeks to navigate the murky waters of passing the new draft bill.

However, 15 hours after the committee declared it will include criminal sanctions in the new draft law, Bennett posted the following on his Facebook page under the banner “Am Yisrael Won – A salute to MK Shaked”.

Bennett writes:

For decades we have known that chareidim must be integrated into the workplace. Only this government with its present makeup actually did it.

The law that was passed now by the Shaked Committee is balanced and intelligent and recognizes limud Torah as a value and service.

Of late I hear unnecessary calls to put it mildly against chareidim and against talmidei yeshivot hesder, who serve in combat units and give their lives for the army and are now slandered by people who have not seen a battlefield in their lives. There are calls against non frum, against people who are different from us. This must stop and public representatives have a responsibility to stop the impassioned discourse.

He Continues:

We must now lower the tone, roll up our sleeves and focus on the real task, integrating thousands of chareidim in the Israeli workplace.

And finally, regarding committee chair Ayelet Shaked he writes:

She is leading the legislative process with historical wisdom, patience, dialogue and determination.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. “and are now slandered by people who have not seen a battlefield in their lives”

    Naftali, you mean your friend Dovy Lipman?

  2. Assuming he manages to implement his plans his accomplishments are:

    1. Splitting the Religious Orthodox/Modern Orthodox movements, with half (including him) becoming Conservadox and eventually leading to becoming lost into the amorphous population of goyim with Jewish ancestry, while the half of his movement that will remain loyal to Torah will rejoin the hareidi world with whom they split off a century ago. Asking a Jew to choose between giving up Torah and giving up anything else will, much to Bennett’s horror, not lead to them giving up Torah. We are like iron – fire makes us stronger by burning out the impurities.

    2. By forcing the hareidim to ally with his enemies as a matter of self-preservation probably dooming the State of Israel. Even if the Medinah survives (which would happen if the Israeli left decides it believes in rights for religious minorities after all-which would be a big change for them), it dooms the settlements (since support from withdrawal will certainly be part of the price for an end to conscription if the hareidim have to cut a deal with the Israeli left). If the hareidi can’t cut a deal with either the nationalist zionists or the Israeli left – they’ll be forced to deal with the Arabs (who have no objection to learning in yeshiva, but in return want an Islamic state to replace the Medinah).

  3. #5- When you say “We are like fire”, I assume you mean the people that sit by a computer all day and never learn a word of Torah, correct?

  4. BRAVO.
    Akuperman- Perhaps you should devise a plan to get a lot of the “Haredim” to escape from Israel? Maybe take the Arabs along with them. I hear their are great places like the Ukraine that might give you residence.


    How many Governments was he in opposition while Aguda, Degel, and Shas were in Government?? They always helped Hesder Yeshivos secure Government Funding and now Bayit Yehudi turned they’re back on them and on the Olam HaTorah itself!

  6. Baryonim
    This was all precisely described as the conditions of the final galus; in Eretz Yisroel, with Jews themselves as the enemy.

  7. #8, the gall of your statement. The Haredim at many times looked and look down upon the Dati-Leumi. They are seen as not “firm enough” because they don’t always comply with the newest humrot that prop up in the Haredi world.
    Where was Aguda, Degel and Shas when it came to Oslo and eventually Gush Katif? Why did they participate in the government when Dati-Leumi Jews were thrown out of their homes and Shuls were destroyed and people’s livelihoods and lives were destroyed. Where were they during this time? Why did they stay in the government receiving benefits to THEM?

  8. “For decades we have known that chareidim must be integrated into the workplace. Only this government with its present makeup actually did it.”

    This outright fraud. If this was the real objective, Israel would draft a conscientous objector law (like every other civilized country). As it stands now, the minute chareidim leave the yeshiva or kollel to go to work (assuming they can find non-chareidim who will hire them) they get drafted.

    akuperma: you left out option 3: in 1947, having failed in their pleas to the UN against creating the zionist state, the chareidim petitioned for recognition as minority population. They agreed to withdraw the petition in return for certain concessions, including draft exemptions for bochurim, which the zionists are now reneging on. Perhaps it is time again to take that plea to the UN

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