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How Many Shuls Are There in Israel Today?

daven2According to the Dapei Shofar Guide there are over 6 million Jews living in Israel today. One-third of them, 1.5 million, go to one of 15,000 shuls in the country daily. 72% of Israel’s Jewish population visits a shul at least once annually.

Fifty new shuls are built in Israel annually, and two hundred yeshivos open their doors.

There are 30,000 Shabbos Chatan in shuls nationwide annually, 40,000 Shabbos bar mitzvah and 50,000 britot. The information was released ahead of דפי שופר releasing its new guide to the religious tzibur.

In addition, 52% of the shuls in Israel daven עדות מזרח, 35% Ashkenaz and the remainder what is called כללי מעורב, whatever the chazan davens. Among the Edot Mizrach shuls there are 20 different nussachot of tefilos.

According to the information provided by the new guide, the most commonly found shuls are: Chabad (202 shuls), Eitz Chaim (105), Beit El (88), Tiferes Yisrael (79), Sheves Achim (68), Rambam (57), Rashbi (44), Chanichei Yeshivos (43), Shaare Zedek (41) and Eliyahu HaNavi (41).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Fifty new shuls and two hundred yeshivos built annually. This in a Medinah that is intent on making people into goyim. Okay, here’s Akuperma’s chance to spin this into what a good job Israel is doing towards that end.

  2. #1- You are clearly a sad victim of Zionist propaganda. As every erlich yid knows, before the evil Zionists invaded E”Y millions upon millions of charedim yereim veshlemim had been living in Jerusalem and Tsfat in peace and harmony under benevolent Muslim rule. After a century plus of Zionist shmad a mere 15,000 shuls remain active in E”Y out of the hundreds of thousands of shuls that were filled with Jews from morning to night in the glorious golden age of the Palestinian empire. Shmaaaad! Geeevaaald!

  3. Yagel libi first Jews had to ware yrushalmi clothes so they live in Jerusalem because the Arabs did not like them and second Jews were killed in Tafas in 1834 and 1838 and 1628 1660 1517 so stop the lies. Jews did not infade they moved there under the Muslims and the British just like the Arabs did Jews became a majority in Jerusalem in 1860 the year sabe erecats (the chief “Palestinian” negotiator) left Arabia and move to Jordan. Most Palestinians leaders were not born in Israel. And there has never been more religious Jews in this land than today for 1900 years so please stop the lies.

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