Entrepreneur Makes Bitcoin Gift to Washington College

bitIn what may be the first college donation of the new electronic currency, a Bitcoin entrepreneur has made a $10,000 virtual donation to a Washington state liberal arts college.

The University of Puget Sound said on Wednesday it had received a donation of 14.5 coins of the digital currency, which it has converted into more traditional dollars.

Nicolas Cary graduated from the university in 2007 and now runs Blockchain, which supports the online currency market. The 27-year-old CEO said he wanted to make the gift in the money that is central to his life and career.

He believes the donation is the first Bitcoin gift to a U.S. college or university.

Bitcoin is an open-source currency affiliated with no country or bank. Peer-to-peer trading began in 2009.


3 Responses

  1. Anyone who knows anything about currency should quickly recognize that this whole Bitcoin thing is an invention of the Zionists. They created it as a ploy to divert funds away from the Hareidim, knowing that they are too busy learning to be involved with online currency. Meanwhile, the Zionists (who are just anti-Torah and Mitzvos) are planning to starve the Hareidim and force them to move to Saudi Arabia. This is actually not a bad thing, since the Torah-true Hareidim can live peacefully in Saudi Arabia and be left alone to learn. It would be a much better place than E”Y as long as the Zionists are in control.

  2. I don’t know anything about Bitcoins, but it sounds a ‘bit’ strange. How does one donate ‘14.5’ coins? Is there a half coins? How about one-eighth coins (pieces of eight!)

    And if 14.5 coins equals $10,000, that means that each coin is worth about $689.6551724137931???

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