Newark FBI’s Special Agent in Charge Meets with Delegation of Faith Based Leaders


Local leaders representing various New York and New Jersey faith based communities had an opportunity to get acquainted with FBI Special Agent in Charge, Aaron T. Ford, who has been at the helm of the FBI’s Newark division since last April. SAC Ford, who has been with the FBI for nearly 30 years, has served the bureau in various capacities and had previously worked at the Newark division as an assistant SAC, overseeing first the administrative branch and then the criminal enterprise branch.

Fresh off the complicated task of orchestrating security measures at the Super Bowl, SAC Ford took the opportunity to warmly greet the various community leaders and welcome them to the bureau’s Newark field office on Centre Place.

SAC Ford expressed his gratitude to all those in attendance, thanking them for taking the time to meet with him and vowed to continue a positive working relationship with all faith based communities. Also in attendance was FBI Community Relations Officer Kimberly McDonald, who has a long history of working with the faith based communities.

Among those who came to Newark for Monday’s event was a delegation of Chabad representatives from New Jersey as well as Mayor Menashe Miller of Lakewood. Mayor Miller expressed his heartfelt thanks to the FBI leadership for their continuous collaboration with Lakewood’s Jewish community and for their constant efforts to maintain the safety of all Garden State residents.

Long time law enforcement chaplain Rabbi Abe Friedman echoed those sentiments, offering words of gratitude to SAC Ford for taking the time to meet with community leaders and telling SAC Ford that he looked forward to a continued positive relationship with the Newark field.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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