TRAGEDY: United Hatzalah Volunteer R”L Killed While Driving His Ambucycle

Photo Credit: United Hatzalah

A United Hatzalah volunteer was tragically killed in a Thursday afternoon motor vehicle accident on Highway 25 in the Negev.

Yoel Souisa, a member of United Hatzalah’s ambucycle units, was critically injured while he was driving home on his ambucycle just after 4:00 p.m. Thursday. He later died of his injuries in the hospital. The entire United Hatzalah family, the volunteers together with the management, are devastated by his tragic and untimely loss.

“Yoel z”l was a true friend, a loving father, and husband, and a dedicated volunteer who saved the lives of many other people. He was a symbol of dedication, volunteering, and selflessness. He would give of himself and his time, day and night, in order to help anyone around him,” United Hatzalah said in a statement.

Over the coming days, they will be dedicating all of the lifesaving efforts of the organization in the memory of their beloved friend and brother Yoel Souisa so that his neshama should have an aliya.

At this time, the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit as well as the leadership of the organization is with the Sousia family and supporting them in their hour of need.

The President and Founder of United Hatzalah Eli Beer spoke about the terrible tragedy of the death of Yoel Souisa. “This is the third tragedy for this family. Yoel’s father was killed in the terror attack that shook Dimona in 2008, and his brother was killed in the Carmel fires in 2010. I have been with the family in the hospital all evening and the pain that we all feel is unbearable. Yoel lost his life due to the ‘terror’ on the roads that is taking place here in the Negev. People drive here without attention to the law and the level of enforcement needs to be raised significantly. Today this lawlessness, which has become commonplace in the south, claimed the life of a father, a husband, and one of our dear volunteers, who was one of the most active first responders in the region. Yoel regularly responded to 60 or more medical emergencies on a monthly basis and has saved countless lives. Another family was destroyed today because of this lawlessness on the roads and it needs to end.”

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