New Feature Released on YWN


YWN has recently released a beta version of a community board that we hope will not be used often. For the past 9 years, YWN has been publishing many deaths and Levaya information on our homepage. Unfortunately, due to the amount of daily Levayos around the globe, we are unable to publish them all. Therefore, we have created a new community service – in the same model as our recently created Simcha section, which has been receiving many Simchas published each day.

On the page, readers will be able to submit and read Levayah info, Shiva times, and obituaries.

The Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes section is conveniently loaded on the YWN homepage, just scroll down – it is located at the end of the news scroll (above the highly successful Video Of Interest section). It can also be accessed by clicking on the “Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes” button at the top of the homepage.

May we Zoche to take this page down very soon, and may this service no longer be needed.




One Response

  1. “we hope will not be used often”

    The only way to assure that is for less people to pass away.

    How shall we go about reducing the number of people who pass away?

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