Mazel Tov! At Age 45, Yaakov Shwekey Becomes A Saba

Yaakov Shwekey Instagram

Mazel Tov to famed Jewish singer Yaakov Shwekey who became a Saba for the first time with the birth of his grandson in Jerusalem.

The baby was born to Shwekey’s daughter Adele and her husband Yitzchak Massry.

“Holding my first grandchild in the holy land is a feeling of just total gratitude towards the Creator of it all!” Shwekey wrote on his social media accounts.

“My mind still not believing what just occurred. I pray he sings his own song one day and makes his Creator proud! Mazel Tov!”


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Mazal Tov! Or to be politically correct Mabrouk!!

    Soon enough this Einekel (sorry, Yiddish is still the lingua franca) will be older than his soon-to-be younger uncle…

  2. What about anyone that has their first grandchild, or any grandchild or any child?
    Shwekey. rip out some tunes for us. Give the baby to Jenine to hold

  3. Mazel tov.
    Now again, why is this news? Is YWN the new Instagram?
    (Yeah, there’s always gotta be a stick-in-tge-mud, and I have accepted the martyrdom.)

  4. mazel tov!! shloime berger had a kid!!
    mazel tov berish nudell had a grandchild
    mazel tov zaidy cow had a grandcow

    and we need to know this because??

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