Israel and US Agree on Extending Negotiations with the PA

obbiAccording to Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barak Obama are agreeing to extend ongoing talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) for an additional year. The two leaders are planning to meet next month as Mr. Netanyahu announced he will be traveling to the United States in March 2014. The deputy minister made his comments to an audience in Ramat Gan on Shabbos Ki Sisa 5774.

When the two leaders meet in the White House, they are expected to sign a document extending talks with the PA.

Yisrael Hayom quotes Akunis saying “There is no confrontation with the US, but there are certainly some fundamental differences of opinion. An Israeli withdrawal to the June 4, 1967, borders would be like a suicidal person jumping off the roof of the Azrieli Towers. This was never Likud policy — and will never be.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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