SEE THE VIDEO: British Royal Guard Play MBD’s “Moshiach” During Parade

Well, this is certainly not something you see every day. With more than 1,400 people in attendance, the British Royal Guard marched to MBD’s “Moshiach.”

The event, at which British Chief Rabbi Ephrayim Mirvis was in attendance and led the service, commemorated the World War II military service of Jewish men and women. It also marked the 101st anniversary of the first wreath-laying by Jewish veterans at the Cenotaph – a central London memorial.

The costumed parading guard from Horse Guards Parade marched down Whitehall to the Cenotaph, where a wreath was laid in honor of those who served.

This year’s event also commemorated Queen Elizabeth, who passed away earlier this year.

Watch this video below!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. What a nice token of respect and recognition. Internet commentators love to complain. Just say “thank you” and show respect in turn – they don’t *have to* do this.

  2. the King is disgusting …… wonder if the toilet seat carrier with a teddy bear has his eyes on Israel again as his kingdom…..don’t let this image go at all….217 years it is 6000 mark……remember Olim Hava and not what Hollywood and the christian world has designed….this is another one of them

  3. @arik I didn’t hear “Yidden”. I heard “Moshiach” which I have yet to find a song that sounds just like it…Soi maybe “Moshiach” is original?

  4. @Rand0m3x, unfortunately that tweet you mentioned is one hundred percent true, in fact, the so called ‘chief rabbi’ has been ostracised by every normal ehrliche rav in the uk, after he and so called ‘senior rabbi’ j. dweck headed a long campaign of pro lgbhq etc beliefs, running programs at the so called (not) Jewish JW3 centre here in London, for a while calling it G**W3 centre for these purposes, even going as far to write up a whole book on these issues, and sickeningly claiming that the most holy of our sages were…… (sic).
    They were taken to task for this upon which many rabbanim openly criticised him, with the various Batei Dinim writing very sharp letters against them both….
    The Treif Rabbi Malach HaMervis does not represent us British Jews at all.


    I’m sure, positive in fact, that someone from the Charedi world will come swinging in with the great philosophy that “they really got it from us” and we were just going back to our own musical invention.

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