Iran Told Assassin To “Slit The Throat” Of Israeli Businessman In Georgia


Walla News reported new details over the weekend about the thwarted Iranian attempt by Iran to assassinate an Israeli businessman in Georgia earlier this month.

Initial reports said that Georgian intelligence officials thwarted an Iranian plot to assassinate Itzik Moshe, an Israeli businessman in the country. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force worked with a cell of terrorists from Pakistan with ties to al-Qaeda as well as another cell, whose members were arrested and found with weapons caches. Georgian security officials also arrested two dual Georgian-Iranian citizens for the alleged smuggling of weapons from Turkey to the assassins. According to an Israeli security official, it wasn’t the first time that Iran tried to carry out a terror attack in Georgia or the first time that Moshe was targeted.

Walla revealed that Iran originally instructed the would-be assassin, Pakistani national Amir Khan, to kill Moshe by slitting his throat. However, Khan told his Georgian interrogators that he refused his Iranian handler’s request and demanded that he be provided with a firearm.

Israeli-Georgian businessman Itsik Moshe (Nesi315 CC BY-SA 4.0)

“I told him that I couldn’t kill a person with a knife, and he got me a gun,” he said.

Khan also told his interrogators that he had stalked Moshe in preparation for the assassination and was very familiar with Moshe’s security protocol.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It would be nice for your American readers to know if you’re referring to Georgia, the American state, or Georgia, the country. You know, professional journalism, just a thought…

  2. “Initial reports said that Georgian intelligence officials thwarted an Iranian plot to assassinate Itzik Moshe, an Israeli businessman in the COUNTRY”
    Reading what it says provaxx, just a thought…

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