Efforts to Make Sholom Bayis in the Eida

gavadThe rav of Kehillas Dushinsky in Beit Shemesh arrived in the Jerusalem home of Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita on erev Shabbos Ki Sisa 5774 following the ravaad’s resignation earlier in the week. Rav Sternbuch resigned due to the widening split in the Eida surrounding the Golovnititz project in Beit Shemesh. Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita remains firmly against the construction, as Asra Kadisha maintains the building compromises kevarim at that location. Rav Sternbuch however does not agree following his extensive probe into the matter, permitting the construction with the provision the work is carried out in compliance with his restrictions.

The Dushinsky faction is trying to mend fences and bring an end to the machlokes surrounding the construction project, working to persuade Rav Sternbuch to withdraw his resignation. Rav Sternbuch has been under widening attack from zealots in the Eida, including pashkavilim and protests against him for his psak Halacha.

Rav Weiss however remains firm in his position, that the construction must be halted for its compromises kevarim. He is equally firm in his calls to the tzibur not to take any action that compromises the kovod of R’ Sternbuch. Rav Weiss explained that he refused to sign the kol korei of Asra Kadisha for a protest at Kikar Shabbos last week for he felt doing so would be an insult to Rav Sternbuch.

Rav Weiss is also explaining that when he arrived at the Beit Shemesh protest last week and saw the podium, he decided to remain in the vehicle for he did not wish to have a hand in compromising Rav Sternbuch’s kovod. Rav Weiss added he was led to believe the event was to ask mechila from the niftarim and nothing more and when he realized it was a protest; he refused to get out of the car.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Such Bubby-Maysas!!

    At the protest they clearly announced (and on video to be seen) that the Gaavad Rav Weiss is remaining in the car and not coming to the podium “because he is too weak to leave the car”!

    Now you are telling us, that that was an outright lie! He didn’t leave the car because of the kavod of Rav Sternbuch!!

    Which is it?!

    Now you are also quoting in the name of Rav Weiss that he said that thought the whole gathering was just to “ask Mechila from the Niftorim”..!

    You expect people to beleive these Bubba Mayses!!

  2. Two daios on a subject is not bad there are usually a half a doxen or more. Let it be!!!

    Rav Sternbuch can go forward with his learning and many talmidim and Rav Weiss can go forward with the Eidah and its decisions. Let the zealots continue to be zealots!!

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