Lapid: We Will go From Yeshiva to Yeshiva to Explain the Draft Law

lapFinance Minister Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid party, announced that after the Shaked Committee passes the new draft law, he will go from yeshiva to yeshiva to explain it, Yediot Achronot reports.

Lapid is quoted saying “The law will pass as historic events are always accompanied by that magic moment, and that moment is now. It will pass because it is correct, and because there is still something called justice. It will pass because all those involved in the matter – the coalition, opposition, an entire generation of young chareidim- all understand that we cannot turn the clock back.”

Lapid adds “The chareidim will be inducted into military or civilian service and then enter the job market for the nation cannot continue paying for them for they are too many in number. A generation of parents are unable to explain to their children why they must be inducted while other young men their age are released from doing do because of the color of the yarmulke they are wearing. If we do not do something the IDF will cease to be “the people’s army” and we will cease to be a nation. We are not demanding from their children anything that we are not demanding from our children.”

In line with Lapid’s vision, the share the burden effort, “in three years, 70% of the young chareidim will be serving and tens of thousands of talmidei yeshivos will have entered the workplace. [91% of chareidim that served in the IDF have successfully entered the workplace after their military service]. We must all share in the burden, we must all serve, and we must all pay taxes. This is a principle and all else is idle political chatter that will be forgotten in a number of weeks.”

“In one month and a day we will have a new goal, to persuade the chareidim [and it will not be easy] that we did not do this to harm them. For as long as they serve and work, we do not chas v’sholom have anything against their beliefs or lifestyle. This will not occur overnight, and if need be, we will go house to house, yeshiva to yeshiva, from Bnei Brak to Yerushalayim and from Elad to Betar until we have persuaded them that sharing the burden is the only way to continue living here together, with the recognition one cannot have rights without obligations.”

“Our job will also be to open the marketplace for them, to ease the process of obtaining training and to make a genuine effort to live together with us. We will explain to them patiently, quietly and lovingly that equality is not a declaration of war but the start of the largest reconciliation of the Jewish People.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

31 Responses

  1. Dear Hashem,
    May all who read this article and this comment be inspired to remember that the Place of the world is You alone and that without Your Help there is no survival and that our service requires learning Torah. May all who read this who understand it not feel any shame for devoting and giving their lives in service by learning and may all who read this who do not understand it not feel any shame but rather open the possiblity of inquiring internally to themselves where they believe their survival depends.

    Just remembering to elevate fallen fears back to awe of Hashem is the beginning of the return that is needed by all klal yisrael – we are totally dependent on Hashem alone, for there is nothing but His Glory in this world. Just internally examining that thought and going a little deeper, without any geo-political realities and practicalities, brings us to a place of choice that can truly bring our salvation

  2. “We are not demanding from their children anything that we are not demanding from our children.”

    What a polarizing jerk. “Their children” and “Our children”. Had he said, “Our children”, at least he would have conveyed a little fallacious warmth and familial bond.

  3. read between the lines: He’s saying that he hopes that 70% of Hareidim will give up a lifestyle based on Torah and Mitsvos,and will permanently abandon learning Torah for a life of hilonios.

    In all fairness, there is a (probably untrue) story that a czar said his goal was to drive away a third of the Jews, convert a third, and kill a third (as opposed to Hitler who favor killing them all). By this standards (convert 2/3, let the others survive), Lapid is indeed a humanitarian and a friend of the Jews.

  4. Metaphysically challenged why do you post on ywn what you write in your diary , it’s so silly , it’s like the guy who wrote dear mt netanyahu where the latter for sure won’t read this

  5. Rahamim: I was just trying to dan le-kay zechus. It’s unfair to compare Lapid to Haman, since Lapid is willing to let a third of the Jews survive.

    While I believe he will be stopped by his fellow zionists before he does any real damage, if he has his way the zionist state will be serious undermined and the inevitable collapse might be quite messy (as was the collapse of the others I mentioned, Imperial Russia and Third Reich Germany).

  6. Lapid would not have this problem if his propaganda people did a better job reminding his own people that the Zionists made this deal of allowing Charedim to learn in order to convince the nations to allow them to form their State.

    The Zionists wanted to play goy nation so badly, and this was and is part of the cost of doing business.

    And if Lapid were so concerned about finances, then he would let the Charedim join the workforce at any age without being concerned about the army. That would, indeed, be friendship.

    But, of course, this is all a smokescreen. The real reason is, of course, shmad, as Rav Chaim Brisker foretold a century ago.

  7. Lapid is 100% correct. There’s no reason why charedim should be allowed to avoid service, and certainly no reason why the govt. should be paying for them to do so.

  8. You can’t judge him favorably that is not a good connection just because he didn’t attack all Jews he is ” not go bad” and he is not tinok shenishba because in today’s world all information is at his fingertips and he can research Judaism if he really wanted to, or he probably superficially already did. Second stop calling these guys zionists , how can they be zionists if they are willing to give out land to Arabs , even one inch. That includes pizza livni and all the other evil leftists !

  9. Lapid doesn’t hate Jews he hates judaism, it’s the same evil as the Greeks, let’s make them like us, secular etc that’s worse than hitler in a way

  10. Akuperma- You have still NEVER answered the question of why you care so much about Torah learning in Israel.

    Clearly, you do not learn a word of Torah yourself, as you are on this site at ALL hours!

  11. And perhaps HaKatan (good name!) can explain why 200 Sifrei Torah were given to the IDF over the last two decades by the National Council of Young Israel?

    Why would an army that is only in existence for shmad, need Sifrei Torah and have shiurim given at many bases?

  12. Yanky55:

    (great question!)

    The answer, of course, is that Mizrachi needs those Sifrei Torah.

    “Mational Religious” is, of course, in Rav Elchonon’s (HY”D) holy words, A”Z mixed with [lihavdil] Yahadus.

  13. Moichel Toivos, he should go back to his cave where he came from. What planet is he from anyway that he thinks any yeshiva will even let him in and give him the time of day? What does he think he’s our savior! He will be in the dust bin of history hopefully sooner than later along with the Yevanim and Napolean and countless other’s…

  14. Hakatan- As a gadol who switched from Agudah to Mizrachi in part because of the Holocaust, Reb Yoshe Ber ZT”L would have strongly disagreed with R’ Elchonon. I believe R’ Chaim himself would have changed his position as well.

  15. Yanky55:
    That’s interesting.
    Rav Meshulam David Soloveichik who is Rav Chaim’s grandson does not agree with you.
    Even Rabbi Dr. JBS knew that his own father held the same as Rav Chaim (and Rav Elchonon, et al.). So Rabbi BS is clearly the remarkable exception to the rule.

    Every one of Rav Chaim’s concerns have been proven true. Why on Earth would you think that Rav Chaim, of all people, would have switched his opinion?

    Please read up on the matter before posting.

  16. lapid got one thing right if he gets his way we will cease to be a nation. many have tried many have failed and we are still here. lapid can join the great russian empire the roman empire the egyptians and the third reich. we will stick with our gemaras. JB wasnt the only one to disagree with reb elchanan the choshuve Rav Hagaon dov lipman also does. so? hashem will save us just as he has saved us from since we became His People and amalek went to war with us and Him. הציליני נא מיד אחי מיד עשו. even when he pretends to be concerned for us as a brother may he be thwarted in his evil ways. whoever said reb chaim would have changed his mind after the holocaust thinks that he would have lost faith in ה׳. fortunately our gedolim have more faith than that. if all the chilonim would keep the torah moshiach would come and there would be no need for an army. as rav akiva said the situation is compared to a fish that is in danger of a net so a fox tells him to come onto land and be safe. the fish answers: fool if in our life stream we are in danger a hundredfold so out of it. if even with the chareidim learning we are in such peril from iran and the arabs imagine if they would stop. may Hashem protect us from without and within.

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