Rabbi Pinto: I Won’t Lose a Hair on My Head Over the Accusations

pintoAfter the state prosecutor announced he is filing an indictment against Rabbi Avraham Yisrael, a close associate to Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto, the rabbi addressed his talmidim and supporters. In addition, on Thursday, 13 Adar I 5774, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced he plans to indict R’ Pinto. Rabbi Pinto released a letter to his talmidim amid the news over recent days that his tzedaka enterprise has been a sham and most of the money was placed in private bank accounts, not given to the needy as reported. The attorney general’s decision to indict the rabbi and his enterprise is based on police investigators reporting that 40 million NIS was used to buy properties, not to feed the needy and operate soup kitchens.

The rav speaks of the ‘nisyanos’ one must endure in this world, some difficult, and one must endure and by doing so one receives enormous merit from HKBH. The rabbi speaks of the difficulties during the past five years, the daily struggles of existence and that “without HKBH escorting us each step of the way” it would not have been possible.

Rabbi Pinto adds that in light of the attorney general’s decision, things will become increasingly difficult in the future, but he remains strong and confident that at the end, the truth will be revealed to all. He calls on his followers and supporters to remain strong as well, to have bitachon in Hashem, to cling to HKBH and to avoid being sidetracked by other matters. He calls for achdus and to assist one another, to remain joyous in Adar, as he is confident the outcome will be as it should.

Being that Rabbi Pinto is a well known and powerful rabbinical personality in Israel, and the fact the case involves two senior Israel police officials, Menashe Arbiv and Ephraim Bracha, as well as the FBI and US Rep. Michael Grimm, the case is likely to remain a major news in the coming weeks or longer.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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