ON THE ATTACK: Trump Trolls DeSantis with Campaign Ad Showing His Baby in a MAGA Shirt

Before Trump announced his 2024 presidential run on Tuesday, he went on attacking potential GOP primary opponents, specifically Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who he previously called “De-Sanctimonious,” and now trolled him on Truth Social.

In a post to the Trump-run social media platform, the former president took time on Tuesday morning to troll DeSantis with a “Thank you, Ron!” attached to a photo from a 2018 DeSantis campaign ad which showed his child in a “Make America Great Again” shirt.

The tweet Trump was replying to captioned the photo “Never forget that Ron DeSantis made an ad with his baby in a MAGA onesie and called himself a “pitbull Trump defender.”

The ad, which is super cringey, also shows DeSantis “building the wall” with toy blocks and using the infamous Trump word “bigly” while leaning over the MAGA-onesied infant’s crib.

“Then Mr. Trump said, ‘You’re fired.’ I love that part,” DeSantis says in another part of the ad.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Sad to see how desperate Trump is, resorting to a baby’s onsie.
    Mr Trump: that was 2 or 6 yrs ago. Times have indeed changed. There’s never a contract with anyone. That doesn’t mean he wldntve been loyal had u been president. Its just time to MOVE ON.
    We’ve had too much Trump. We need a different approach, a different face, a better person.

  2. Yes. He stood by Trump. He’s not the one who decided to blow up the relationship. Trump did, “kedarko bakodesh”, as he does with all his relationships the moment he finds them inconvenient. Trump expects absolute loyalty from everyone, but has no loyalty to anyone. He was a very good president, but his character flaws were always out in the open and haven’t changed or improved. We took him with his flaws and we did well with him, but only a fool would pretend they weren’t there.

  3. Dumb ad from a Trump perspective. First, it calls attention to the “age” issue – the Republicans can’t complain about Biden being too old if their nominee is also over the hill.

    Even worse, the last thing Trump wants to tell Republicans is that with De Santis they get someone ideologically similar, but younger and more likely to win the election.

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