VIDEOS: Bennett Explains Why They Stormed Out Of Knesset Speech


Bayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett and colleagues walked out of Knesset on Wednesday during the offensive address by European Parliament President Martin Schulz, who was speaking in German.

Schultz attacked Israeli policy regarding talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority), the marine embargo on Gaza, settlements and more in his Knesset address. However, the day after he not only rejects accusations that his address was anti-Israel, he went on the offense.

The head of the European Parliament told the press that he was “surprised and offended” by the actions of Bennett and his colleagues, who rudely walked out on his address. The senior visiting official told Walla News that he is a strong friend of Israel, and during his visit he has expressed this support.

The YouTube shows the MKs interrupting the address, and then walking out:

Bennett Explains why they walked out: (Hebrew)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The Zionists are all about hisgarus baUmos and kochi viOtzem yadi, so they have no problem flipping off at the nations even when the Zionists know that, leaving Hashem’s cheshbonos out of it, their very existence depends solely on those nations and when the Zionists want something then they will grovel at the feet of those nations as the ultimate “galut Jew” that is the Zionist state.

    This hisgarus baUmos has been going on since well before 1948, including during the WW II period. Incidentally, given Zionist policies and in/actions during WW II, and since the Zionists want so desperately yet futilely want to be “one of the boys”, the Zionists shouldn’t be so offended about hearing German spoken in their parliament.

    It does not seem like it was proper for these Zionists to have walked out on the German minister’s speech, even if he did believe an Arab lie about water allocations and repeated that in the Israeli parliament.

    Then again, the general decorum of the Israeli parliament is known to matches that of their pre-schools, so it might not have been such an insult for these MKs to walk out.

    But I’m curious how many of these MKs are going to give up their Mercedes, probably given to them by the German government at a tremendous discount, if not outright.

    Look at all the German cars and buses in Israel. Will the Zionists now send those back?

  2. Stop with your “Hisgarus Baumos” narishkeitin, What Satmar does in Monroe with the Goyim is not “Hisgarus Baumos?” What Lakewood does in Lakewood is not “Hisgarus Baumos”

  3. 70 years later the rasha Bennett and friends are the ones destroying Jews and Israel.

    Go out and read about some of our Jewish enemies 1] Dasan & aviram 2]Jewish Communist Union 3]Kapos 4]Bennett & Company

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