Jerusalem Mayor Says ‘No’ to Shabbos Fencing Competition


The international fencing competition that was set to take place on a Shabbos in Yerushalayim R”L would attract thousands of participants from 45 nations. However, in a last minute move, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decided not to permit trampling the Shabbos status quo in the city and he informed European officials that the city will not host the Shabbos event, the “European Fencing Competition Jerusalem 2014” and that the city was withdrawing its funding.

This was not received well by the enthusiasts in Israel, who worked tirelessly to persuade the European decision makers to authorize the event in Jerusalem.

Needless to say that in recent weeks frum city councilmen and the mayor’s advisors on chareidi affairs worked to persuade Mr. Barkat to change his mind, seeking to paint a picture of what might occur if a major chilul Shabbos event such as this would take place in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. We dont have American Sundays, being that Sunday is a workday/schoolday, im assuming that the turn out would be much smaller and be very disruptive to traffic in Yerushalayim

  2. I hope he gets a proper yasher koach, equal to the vilification when he allowed a repetition of the teovah parades.

    We have to be magnanimous in victory, and grateful for taking a brave step here, even if he’s trampled on the kedusha of Yerusholaim in the past.

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