Report Focuses on Hadassah’s Director-General’s Fiscal Blunders and Irresponsibility

IMG-20140209-WA0041The situation at Hadassah Hospitals in Ein Kerem and Mount Scopus is a difficult one as the medical facilities are operating on a Shabbos schedule. Elective procedures have been canceled, and most outpatient clinics are closed. Dialysis and chemotherapy treatments are ongoing, but the hospitals are more short-staffed than usual and the situation for patients is a most difficult in the best of situations.

Adding to a picture of major fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement unfolding around the Hadassah organization, Yediot on Wednesday, 12 Adar I 5774 carried a banner headline story pointing a finger at Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, the former director-general of Hadassah. Mor-Yosef served in that role for 11 years, stepping down in 2011 and he is now serving as the head of Bituach Leumi.

Yediot shows a photo of a memo on Hadassah stationary dated June 29, 2011, addressed “Dear Professor Mor-Yosef”, written in English. The letter signed by Yossi Rosen, Chair of the board of Director Hadassah Medical Organization, says the following.

“I am pleased to inform you that the Executive Committee of the board of Directors and the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors at their meetings on 14th June, 2011 decided unanimously, on the joint recommendation of Nancy and myself, to grant you a bonus of two months, as a sign of appreciation of your activity in your role as Director General of Hadassah, in accordance with your employment contract.”

According to Yediot, he received a total of 1.8 million NIS in bonuses in addition to his handsome monthly salary despite the medical center’s declining fiscal situation during his tenure. Despite the harsh report, some come to Mor-Yosef’s defense, explaining he stood at the helm of a major medical center that employs 5,500 people, and therefore his salary and bonus monies are not at all exaggerated.

The bonuses he received:

2006: 392,878 NIS

2007: 422,597 NIS

2008: 480,672 NIS

2010: 256,600 NIS

2011: 282,960 NIS

Yediot adds that Mor-Yosef received a new employment contract in 2006, which included annual bonuses. It adds that during his tenure the hospital amassed a debt of 850 million NIS, yet he continued receiving bonuses until his last day. The report adds the “two months’ salary” bonus he received in 2011 amounted to 280,000, attesting to his monthly salary of 140,000 NIS. In addition, after stepping down, Mor-Yosef continues to receive 75,000 NIS monthly until reaching retirement age, in his case, 2019, so that sum will total about 10 million NIS.

He opted to speak out on Wednesday, making no effort to hide his anger. Amid the growing criticism, Mor-Yosef insists he was an excellent director of the hospital, adding that despite reports to the contrary in the Yediot Achronot banner headline story, he never accepted the bonus money. He added he also served as an outstanding director of Soroka Medical Center, and it is clear that he has been targeted unjustifiably in this case. Mor-Yosef turned things around, pointing the finger of blame at the treasury, explaining how he met with the finance minister in 2008, at which time he provided a detailed picture of the financial difficulties, but nothing was done he explains.

And finally, Mor-Yosef turned his wrath at Hadassah Women of the United States, telling the media that he tried on numerous occasions to raise money abroad, to launch programs to bring in badly needed aid, but the women in the United States “made cynical use of the hospital when it came to fundraising” accuses Mor-Yosef.

The former director denies previous Yediot reports of “fictitious on-call payment to employees and other similar fiscal abuse”, calling the reports baseless and having no connection to reality.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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