Chareidi Politicians Meet with Abutbul

bJust hours after the Supreme Court ordered new municipal elections in Beit Shemesh, chareidi politicians met with Mayor Moshe Abutbul in an apparent pre-election strategy session.

Among those present were Yahadut Hatorah MKs Yaakov Litzman, Meir Porush, and Moshe Gafne. The meeting was held in the meeting of Shas leader Aryeh Deri, in the Har Chotzvim area of Yerushalayim.

Interior Minister Gideon Saar announced the election in Beit Shemesh will be held on Tuesday, 9 Adar II.

In a related matter, Bayit Yehudi party officials express confidence that the new elections will show the previous elections were not legitimate as there are confident their man, Eli Cohen, will unseat Abutbul.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I don’t understand why the charedi politicians were meeting the non-religious candidate Abutbul? He might wear a big black kippah, but after his campaign was publically mechalel lashon hara, mechalel motzei shem ra, mechalel dina malchusa dina… I think he demonstrated that his APPEARANCE is FALSE.

    They should be meeting with the religious candidate Eli Cohen, who was Shomer Shabbat, Shomer Lason Hara, Shomer Motzei Shem Ra, and Shomer Dina Malchusa Dina.

    If a man wears a kippah and a bekesha but is mechalel mitzvot in public, do we still call him charedi?

  2. In response to AkivaM:

    Chareidi and religious are two different things that presently overlap for the most part. Chareidi is a socio-economic way of life which was spawned by religious people. The two catagories are considered as one for now. As time goes on they will be more and more separate.

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